They say you learn something new every day. So what have you learned?
Courtesy of Gaara444:
"If your perfect afterlife isn't shared with mine, you should kill yourself, and if you don't, you're a hypocrite, because your afterlife isn't perfect if you wouldn't kill yourself to get to it."
Heart of a poet. A true paragon of logic and reason.
Started a new topic: oh verbatim you sure slap my winky(7 Replies))
That my teammates are bad.
What if their perfect afterlife only allows people who lived a full life without voluntarily offing themselves?
Not to leave my phone plugged into my Xbox overnight even if the Xbox is off.
Started a new topic: Verbatim, don't call people out via threads.(6 Replies))
I learned that the girl I have been talking to for a month fell for another guy:/ I CANT GET THAT MONTH BACK!
I like beans.
I learned you and Gaara hate each other.
This thread is hilarious. I can't work out who is the biggest loser, the tards arguing with each other, or me for reading it.
-blam!- all
Hunger is the best spice.
Stuff about the Romantic Era of literature.
Coefficient expansion.
Verbatim is a complete and utter faggot.
Pizza! Pizza! (i learned verbatim sure slaps my winky) (tickle my anus)
I learned Verbatim is stupid and gets buttmad over stupid things. [spoiler]Wait I already knew that.[/spoiler]
Edited by Winy: 9/19/2013 7:55:39 PMThe two Astronomers that discovered the Cosmic Microwave Radiation, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, didn't even believe in the Big Bang Theory at the time, and instead had been trained in the Steady-State Theory.
Too, many, commas.
How poor I am :D
Ive learned that members here can PM the mods to get me banned...
I learned that enchiladas taste terrible with onion bits.
this thread is now about Batman.
>I'm gonna twist someones words to make it sound like he's a dick even though I'm at fault for contradicting myself. Guys, guess who I am, guess who I am, I'm OP! I gigantic fag that doesn't understand his own reasoning.
Do you really have to make a thread about someone whenever you get butthurt over something they said? It's getting kind of old.
I learned that my Ethics teacher doesn't understand Jeremy Bentham. Or more accurately, the exam board doesn't. I also learned that my Ethics teacher is a nice person; she lent me her copy of Western Philosophy: An Anthology.
Inset day for teachers is actually casual thursday.