So I was actually quite surprised reading this, but it turns out that the president of the NRA [i]does[/i] want background checks to take mental illness into account.
[quote]"The outrage ought to be placed on an unprotected naval base, on a criminal justice system ... that doesn't even enforce the federal gun laws when we could dramatically cut violence, on a mental health system that is completely broken, on a check system that is a complete joke in terms of stopping the bad guys.
So why didn't I hear about this on liberal news sites? You'd think they'd want people to know that the NRA is willing to pass some gun laws...
(to be clear, MSNBC did have an article on it, but they focused on the part where he says that armed guards should have been at the base, since it's a government facility)
I don't think anyone really has an issue with better background checks. As long as it isn't restricting a good persons ability to own a gun, I have no issue with it.