So I was actually quite surprised reading this, but it turns out that the president of the NRA [i]does[/i] want background checks to take mental illness into account.
[quote]"The outrage ought to be placed on an unprotected naval base, on a criminal justice system ... that doesn't even enforce the federal gun laws when we could dramatically cut violence, on a mental health system that is completely broken, on a check system that is a complete joke in terms of stopping the bad guys.
So why didn't I hear about this on liberal news sites? You'd think they'd want people to know that the NRA is willing to pass some gun laws...
(to be clear, MSNBC did have an article on it, but they focused on the part where he says that armed guards should have been at the base, since it's a government facility)
After Sandy Hook, Wayne La Pierre went on almost every single news show to call for more mental health info sharing and making mental health a priority. He was widely dismissed by the liberals and it doesn't surprise me that you never heard about it. Mental illness isn't the answer the liberal media is looking for. They are focused on the gun. They want to ban guns and declare certain guns more evil and dangerous than others. That's why this latest Navy Yard shooting is so telling. The mainstream media instantly reported that an AR 15 was used. They ran story after story about the AR 15. And then we all learned that they were wrong and a shotgun was used. The liberals basically stopped reporting on it despite all the evidence backing up the NRA's positions including the fact that the base had terrible security, the man's mental illness records were kept secret, and that the Navy Yard is essentially a gun free zone despite the fact that we trained these people to use guns safely. So when the shit hit the storm, what did the Navy Yard employees do? The cowered like sheep and waited for other people with guns to show up and save them.