Admit it Floof, without me, the Flood would fall apart. I am the only (srsly I am) common link between the oldfags and the newfags, the smart people and the ch33zyburrito's (shots fired), the cool cats and the outcasts.
You need me, you just don't know it yet.
Which is why for the next 2 weeks I will be taking a strictly observatory role in the #Offtopic. I will witness your downfall, and at your dying breath, I will come riding back in to revitalize this here shithole. And... Damn this was sounding pretty cool (at least, I think so), but I don't know how to finish it off. Suggestions?
But yeah.
[spoiler]I'm not actually leaving[/spoiler]
[spoiler]but you do need me[/spoiler]
I'm an oldfag? Yus!