Sorry, someone got on my account and posted this, and I don't know how to delete it if possible. Could someone help?
Also, OP. The "terrorist" attack in Nairobi happened days after GTA V's release.
Romans attacked people thousands of years ago. GTA V was the cause.
Thousands of people died the day before and during the release of GTA 5. Is it wrong for the game to come out because of that? I don't see how an attack which doesn't effect us and it's an attack in a different country somehow involves GTA 5. People choke to death on food and drown everyday. So does that mean we should stop eating and swimming because of that? People die in car crashes everyday. So does that mean we should stop driving because driving promotes people to get into fatal accidents?
Hmm ai winder if this is a troll hurpa derpa
shut up you spaz
Wasn't the attack the Saturday after GTA 5 was released?
No. GTA has nothing to do with terrorism.
The dart board of WTF is perplexing at times.
No that was a few weeks after GTA 5 was out I think
No. How would R* know when there was going to be a terrorist attack? That's like saying it's wrong for releasing a game that lets you fly planes on the 12th of September.
I don't even.