As far as I know. I am the only person in history to plan and execute a 4 year troll. This is the thread detailing it.
From the beginning in 2008 the plan was simple. It came to me while I was in the shower.
Create a persona. And claim to be a video game developer for the next 4 years. During these 4 years the character’s “Career” would advance. At a potentially believable pace. Just to up the ante. In addition I would throw in seemingly meaningless tidbits of information about this character’s personal life. To make this person more relatable and “real”
With every story comes a grain of truth. Programming and tinkering with game ideas is a hobby of mine.
The actual method of the troll ( and subsequent anger ) is simple. Some people would believe me. Some would not.
The people who believed me were the fuel for the fire.
They thought I was a pathological liar, As it turns out pathological liars are really easy to hate. They hated me, and they started to hate the people that believed me.
The people who did not believe me got peeved when they saw that other people did. This is a unique and complex social interaction involving anger, jealousy and feelings of superiority that really led people to turn on each other.
The non believers ended up getting the “I know that I am right, I want to prove you wrong and show everyone that I am right “ sentiment. Whenever people get this like it invokes the most passionate and emotional arguments, and ultimately anger. This is what I was truly going for.
So it started in 2008. I worked at GarageGames who were indeed located in my hometown of Eugene, OR. I was the programming lead for Marble Blast Ultra. Popular and best selling XBLA title.
From there I did “contract work” for Buzzmonkey software. Who were also located in Eugene before being bought out recently by Zynga.
From there it was a sort of “down period” for 6 or so months. I reduced my activity and spread word that I was working contractually for a project of EA that would eventually turn out to be Mirrors Edge 2
At this point it was roughly January of 2011. I knew that the final chapter was approaching and that I needed a strong finish. I knew that I needed pure quality material for the final chapter. The troll would come to a close, at the very latest at the end of 2012. I had about 2 years to finish at this point. I waited and waited. For the perfect final chapter to present itself. And then it did on June 6th 2012. When the Halo 4 announcement trailer premiered at E3. From the moment I saw that trailer I knew that Funkbrotha10 would be getting a job at none other than 343 Industries.
This claim refueled and ignited the most passionate of rages from those involved.
And with that. The only 4 year troll in history came to an end.
Shout-outs to all of the groups that I was involved with at the time.
Specific shout-out to Sapphire, Who’s jimmies were rustled far harder than most.
Shout-out to “Terminatural” who still occasionally sends me PMs asking me about the technical workings of Halo 4 ( bless his soul )
Great work. Too bad nobody cares :P