Watched the Kony vid when it had 1,000 views.
Watched Gagnam Style when it had <1 million views.
Watched almost all of 3oh!3's videos when they had under 1,000.
Been listening to 21 pilots WAY before they made it on the radio.
Watched the first Harlem Shake video at around 2,000 views.
And most recently found "What the Fox Say" before it got/is getting huge.
I don't want to be a hipster flood!!! Its actually annoying finding all of these fads so quickly because I get annoyed with them before they get huge then want to kill myself when everyone else finds it and talks about it for weeks.
Edited by qy: 9/29/2013 8:52:35 PMI don't see what's wrong with being a hipster. As long as you aren't a massive asshole preaching about how you knew everything before it was cool or how everything people do is so mainstream, you're good. But I was in the 301 club for Mass Text.