For comparison here's the [url=]placeholder boxart[/url]
It seems very heroic
It. Is. Terrible.
I'm still waiting on the bundle.
Backwards head/10
Gave it a four because of Destin. If they remove him, I'll have to give it a 3.
I gave it 6 because the hunters head looks backwards fix that and it's a 7 [spoiler]just my opinion[/spoiler]
6/10 Not the worst I've ever seen, but I believe Bungie could of done better.
His head is backwards, and my first reaction was that it was a fake with the Master Chief from Halo 5 on the cover. But I'd like it more if his damn head didn't look backwards.
Don't care; I won't be staring at the box all day.
I like the new one, if I was someone who'd never seen anything about destiny, but jut went to GameStop with some money, I wouldn't pick up the game with the original, simply because it feels too distant, and I don't get an immediate sense of what the game is about. The new box art however will help to pull in people who know nothing about destiny and parents who know their child likes shooters. Be honest, everyone who is a fan of destiny will buy it regardless of the box art, so does it really matter what we think of the box? Or does it matter what will sell to the blissfully ignorant?
I do like the look they are going for but I don't like the fact that they centred out a specific class. It's still a very good design, but it could be better in my opinion. I am fine with either though.
For some reason, it bothers me that the front guy's helmet looks like it's on backwards. I don't get it.
Yup, placeholder is better and the helmet is really annoying, the placeholder just had so much more originality and mystery, maybe they'll listen and change the helmet at least? *crosses fingers*
Pretty shit compared to the placeholder.
21/7 Bungie fanboy! YEAH!
Personally, I'm a much bigger fan of the placeholder art. With the traveler hanging over the earth. I would much rather prefer it if it stayed like that. However, I do like the new art as well.
It looks like a poor photoshop job, honestly. Like they just slapped different images together. That, coupled with the back/front helmet; and the fact that 2 of the three characters are facing away from us, means I'm not a fan.
his had is backwords
I think the placeholder cover was better for the fans, but this cover will sell more copies of the game. It gives enough information for the average consumer to tell what kind of game it is.
Good but back of the hunters helmet IS BUGGING ME SO MUCH. Looks like his head has done a 120 degree turn
I get that they're trying to sell the game as "It's a shooter!" but the original placeholder art had a mysterious and enigmatic look to it that the current one cannot match. The new cover art is still nice artistically speaking. The back side of the hunter's helmet really bothers me though.
The back of the hunters head is disgusting. Keep the hood on man
I liked the placeholder better, but this is OK too.
Placeholder :(
I'll be entirely honest, it's OK but the minimalist version that was out with the Traveler over Earth was better in my opinion. This one feels relatively generic.
It's on the original side but dangerously close to generic and I'm not a fan of the unnecessary hunter focus. I like how they chose the female titan from the cinematic trailer. Help drive the "strong characters can be women to!" And how there's a focus on character diversity. I like how there's no grain or explosions or looking up to the character while ash falls and he has an angry face! 6 for me!