On September 2013, According to [url=http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/09/19/1239955/-Two-concealed-carry-permit-holders-shoot-and-kill-each-other-in-Michigan]Daily Kos[/url] (Kill On Sight) <-- lul, and many other news websites. 2 men may have been heard exchanging words while driving, words such as "1 v 1 me BITCH!!!11!!!" "FACK u N00B!!!" Going into road rage, both drivers pulled into a closed arena in a car wash.
Player 1 jumped the gun and started shooting first. Player 2 returning fire hits player 1. Not before Player 2 got struck by one of player 1 bullet. The DM ends in a draw.
Lesson of the month: Don't 1 v 1 irl.
AWWWW no respawn. I bet they want their money back
1v1 me m8