So i just got done playing the BF4 beta on xbox 360, I have to say I am unimpressed. I get the fact that its just a beta, and it won't look as good on current gen consoles, but the gameplay looks and feels exactly like BF3. It just feels like BF3 with slightly better physics and new maps. They might as just name it battlefield 3.5, because that's all it is.
After Bad Company 2 DICE should have made BF3 do a Black OPS 2. Which is bringing the game to a more future setting. After each game the setting gets a more Sci-Fi feeling. Really. After the 1st Bad Company each game after it was nothing more than a DLC. There's hardly any changes between the games to make them a full fledged game. Bad Company 2 is the 1st game just with updated destruction and regenerating health. BF3 is Bad Company 2 with better customization, jets and nerfed destruction. So far BF4 looks just like BF3, but the only major change is the Commander mode.