[quote]"There is the obvious truth that if this were football, and next year they decided we only want seven players a side and you can use your hands, I don't think people would want to go to many of those games," said Infinity Ward Executive Producer Mark Rubin.
"So we can't change too many of the core rules, and the core rules are really simple," he added. "You're a player, it's in first-person, you have a weapon in your hand and you run around shooting other people."[/quote]
Do you agree with this?
Yes. As far as the goal of the game goes, Infinity Ward knows what they are doing. They acknowledge that Call of Duty is a game with emphasis on competition and its rules should therefore stay consistent. I think more games should adopt that philosophy. When the game starts losing popularity, it doesn't necessarily mean the game needs to "keep up with the times" and start changing its mechanics. Maybe it's time for some other game with completely different mechanics to take its place as THE popular shooter that everybody plays. Of course, I wouldn't expect that attitude to last forever. Trends change, and eventually CoD will start losing popularity. At that point -- if not by Infinity Ward's own initiative, but forced by Activision -- all that will probably be forgotten and they will start doing all they can to stay relevant in the market.