[quote]"There is the obvious truth that if this were football, and next year they decided we only want seven players a side and you can use your hands, I don't think people would want to go to many of those games," said Infinity Ward Executive Producer Mark Rubin.
"So we can't change too many of the core rules, and the core rules are really simple," he added. "You're a player, it's in first-person, you have a weapon in your hand and you run around shooting other people."[/quote]
Do you agree with this?
I get what he's saying. Sports changed over time, but the core rules remand the same. They found a successful thing which is bringing in the people. Changing the core of it would risk loosing the majority of the people that are going to that sport. For example in Football replacing the kickoff with a throw would piss off a lot of people which would risk loosing them. CoD is the same way as sports. It changes the setting every now and then, but what makes up the game pretty much stays the same.