[quote]"There is the obvious truth that if this were football, and next year they decided we only want seven players a side and you can use your hands, I don't think people would want to go to many of those games," said Infinity Ward Executive Producer Mark Rubin.
"So we can't change too many of the core rules, and the core rules are really simple," he added. "You're a player, it's in first-person, you have a weapon in your hand and you run around shooting other people."[/quote]
Do you agree with this?
So I guess that in response to criticism of CoD being the same every year? I agree to some extent. You can only change a game's core mechanics so much. I don't mean that in the same way he seems to though. You can only change a game's core mechanics so much that it still makes sense to label that game a continuation of a given franchise. It's hard to argue against him when he says, [quote]"So we can't change too many of the core rules, and the core rules are really simple," he added. "You're a player, it's in first-person, you have a weapon in your hand and you run around shooting other people."[/quote] since running around with a weapon in hand is pretty broad. That said, I don't think anyone's seriously complaining about changing something as core as that. People seem to complain about balance issues a lot, but you don't see people arguing against the core.