Numerous threads with varying topics occupy the forum. How do we know where they should all be posted? There are seven main sub-forums, while an unlimited number of tags can be used to place discussions anywhere. This vastness and intricacy, I believe is met simply with disorganization. Sub-forums get cluttered with threads, some with topics that might be appropriate for other sub-forums. Tag usage varies from discussion to discussion, and it doesn't seem definitive that they even help. I feel the forum needs some clarity.
[quote]How I Feel About The Current Sub-forum Structure:
[b][u]#Destiny:[/u][/b] Somewhat self explanatory, and tends to maintain similar topics on general Destiny discussion. No change needed.
[b][u]#Bungie:[/u][/b] Seems to be the forum extension of the website news tab. Other discussions tend to be related toward Bungie. Possibly a merge with #Community could help.
[b][u]#Community:[/u][/b] The focus of this sub-forum is unclear. Group recruitment threads are commonly posted here. Site feedback and ideas are posted here. The seventh column is the entire Bungie community. Is this supposed to be a general discussion forum? Possibly a merge with #Bungie could help.
[b][u]#Gaming:[/u][/b] I assume, general gaming discussion unrelated to Destiny. Past Bungie intellectual property (Halo, Marathon, Oni, Myth) along with non-Bungie developed/produced game topics are posted. Recruitment threads for gaming also posted here. Refinement of focus may be helpful.
[b][u]#Support:[/u][/b] Topics are related to assisting users to find solutions to problems. Should site improvement ideas be posted here instead of community? Clarification would help.
[b][u]#Off-topic:[/u][/b] Perfectly self-explanatory. No change needed.
[b][u]#All-topics:[/u][/b] Not exactly a true sub-forum, but the need for an all threads view is questionable. Possibly a removal could help.[/quote]
[quote]Adding all of this together, my improvements would result in the following structure:
[b][u]#Destiny:[/u][/b] Be Brave.
[b][u]#Universe:[/u][/b] Bungie classics.
[b][u]#Gaming:[/u][/b] Alternative Game Discussion
[b][u]#Classifieds:[/u][/b] Make friends. Play games.
[b][u]#Community:[/u][/b] The seventh column.
[b][u]#Off Topic:[/u][/b] Flood of random, unrelated discussion.
[b][u]#Support:[/u][/b] Help us help you. [/quote]
I believe my structure makes clearer sub-forum focusing. I feel it would be easier to choose where to post a thread.
[u]#Destiny[/u] is for Destiny related topics, plain and simple. [u]#Bungie[/u] is for topics relating to the company directly, its employees, its lore, and various news articles. [u]#Community[/u] is for topics relating to the community, AKA the Seventh Column, such as meet ups or questions about the community as a whole. Bungie's community is very old and expansive, so it's no wonder that it has its own place for discussion. Some articles from the blog might get put here. It is NOT where you are supposed to put ideas for site improvement or feedback. Not sure how you would come to that conclusion. In reality, you'll need to be here for a little while before you "get" the Community. [u]#Gaming[/u] is for anything involving gaming that is not related to Destiny. This is pretty straight forward. [u]#Support[/u] is for asking questions about the site, reporting bugs, providing feedback, and giving ideas/suggestions. [u]#Off Topic[/u], like #Gaming, is pretty straight forward as well. If it doesn't go anywhere else, it probably goes here. [u]#All Topics[/u] is if you don't want to be unhindered by any puny limiting tags. Not too hard to figure out. [u]Private Groups[/u] can also be created for more specific discussions on a regular basis for groups of people. They are another place where you can go to talk. [spoiler]The site just went through a major update at the very beginning of this year after years of not really changing. It's current state is fine, and is as the Web Team wants it. No real chance of things changing anytime soon.[/spoiler]