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Please tell me how you love "revolutionized" 60 frames per second
@ 1080p when it's been done on PC's for the last decade or so.
Please tell me how you are completely oblivious to the fact that most 360 & PS3 games are running @ 720p max with less than 30 FPS.
Please tell me how you didn't know that old-gen console ports like ACIV, Titanfall, watch dogs etc. aren't optimized for those "next-gen" consoles and probably won't be @ 1080p nor 60 FPS.
Please tell me how 1080p and 60 frames per second is still relevant with the rise of 4k coming in the next 5-7 years.
Listen here, you aren't getting a new console for graphics, you are getting it for games and because of your friends.
If you wanted graphics, take those 500$'s and go with the master race.
This isn't a "PC is am being teh bestest", but don't talk about crap you don't know without doing any research.
>Plays a game for its graphics >You're doing it wrong