I'm not talking about news worthy stuff, I'm talking about personal issues wise.
I think it's asinine when someone has a problem that really bugs them, and others tell that person off with "Oh well that's not as severe as X or Y." Why does it have to be a rating? If the person is actually bothered by something who are you to say it's not a real problem? I hate it when people act like personal issues have to be at a certain standard before they can care or give real advice/help.
So Flood, what do you constitute as a "serious" personal issue?
Cracked tile numbers. Any Brit. knows it used to be a fun game when they were a kid, but have they tried doing it recently? Only an Olympic long jumper could do it now... and even he would be stopped by the police for running whilst being black, officer it's not his fault that he is genetically crafted to run! Which isn't racism by the way you 'high' horse riding hypocrites who tell me "stereotyping is a bad thing" whilst assuming I am either a hermaphrodite or Leninist because of my longer hair than average! Anyway cracked tiles man, you know what I mean?