originally posted in:Destiny
As bad as this may sound to some; I preordered it the moment I was able to, before they even priced it :P
Edit: Realised how bad that sounded, changed it to sound more positive
About 3 days after the preorder was announced available.
The first day it was announced for ps4
Since like.. The day after preorders were made available?
1 year
Since early February of last year...the first day it was announced and preorderable at gamestop.
I first preordered for Xbox 360 August 2013. I then switched my preorder to Xbox One at the beginning of December. And now, as of yesterday (June 27) I finally switched my preorder to the Ps4 bundle.
October 4, 2013
Since halo 2 was announced
I preorder as soon as I finished playing the BETA, instantly fell in love with Destiny.
one day
Once I couldn't get into Alpha because I was too late with the alpha registration, I said to myself "never again". So I pre-ordered the game next day and am awaiting the beta.
I preordered it literally as soon as my gamestop would let me - which was the end of February last year. Hell, I preordered it for the friggin' poster. This beta business is hella new for me.
Edited by minijman7: 6/21/2014 11:35:53 AMSince dec. 26th when it said it would come out in June on the gamestop app
For as long as it took me to sign up for beta.
I saw it on the psn store, watched the trailer. That was enough for me to want to preorder it. Turns out, I made a great decision on preordering it even though I didn't know much about the game. No regrets
I caught up a beta-code without preordering it. I'm waiting for a collector's edition, if there's none I'm going to preorder it at the end of july!
I think ever since they announced you get beta access.
As soon as they announced you would get in the beta by pre-ordering.
6 hours lololololol
Since the earth was created
October 26, 1985
Since Sunday
Since forever
Since 2013
Since last E3, thought Destiny would be coming out sooner
About 4 months on Amazon.