Items you'll need to acquire:
- 7 grams of psilocybin mushrooms
- Natural herb tea ( chi, mint or any other loose leaf)
- Ginger
- Slice of lemon
- Hot water
- Large strainer
- An open-pit fire
With these items, you'll create a medicine that will put you in contact with the spiritual realm. This is exactly how my friend and I did it and it was an amazing spiritual experience. I highly recommend you do it outside to connect yourself with the earth and nature.
Put the loose-leaf tea Into the strainer along with a slice of lemon, all of the mushrooms (except for the caps. Eat those while drinking), ground up ginger to settle the stomach and add the hot water. Let the tea steep for 15 minutes.
Take a seat by your fire and start sipping the tea while eating the caps. The tea will burn the back of your throat due to the ginger but once it's down it's not too bad. Plus it's much better than having a shitty stomach all night. As you progress through the cup, you'll start to feel your essence vibrating. Mostly in your legs, I find. From then on, you'll be experiencing the spiritual realm.
When i did this, I constantly saw the trinity (mind, body and soul) in everything. The fire's logs, the trees, the stars. Everything. The foliage of the trees seemed to come alive. So much so that it had a face. This face would change it's expression depending on what you spoke of (how beautiful the night and earth are [smiles] or how lost humanity is [sadness and anger]. I recommend everyone do this at least once in their life.
For more information on psychedelics, check out scholars like Graham Hancock and Terrence McKenna. Graham appears on several of Joe Rogan's podcasts and a retain TEDtalk.
Edited by Comet: 4/28/2014 10:57:54 PMSautéed in butter with onions over steak with a red wine reduction.
Edited by Engrapadora: 4/28/2014 11:07:41 PMMy favorite way to do mushrooms. Morel mushrooms, diced onion, diced carrot, diced celery, chicken breast, cream, mustard powder, kosher salt. Sweat mire poix in clarified butter until transluscent. Sautee the morel mushrooms. Add chicken stock and bring to the gentlest simmer possible. Poach chicken breast in broth for 20 minutes. Remove chicken breast, then add mustard powder and cream, then turn up the heat and reduce to a thick sauce. Salt to taste. Pour sauce over chicken and enjoy.
I am very interested in mushrooms OP any websites you suggest for a first time user to read up on?
I like smoking them.
Talk about a necro-bump.
Edited by BannedLemön: 4/28/2014 10:50:31 PM[quote]- Slice of lemon[/quote]._.
I haven't worked my way up to 7Gs yet, just 5Gs. Unfortunately they are pretty pricey in Houston,TX. Austin is super cheap though. They're about $20-30 an eighth. But ill tell you what, the mushrooms ive had here have been some of the most strongest ive ever had.
I just do them raw after punching bricks and yellow boxes.
It's strange. I've been around so many drugs, but I just can't be assed to try any of them.
Camping, eating an eighth, and chugging some orange juice is all you need.
Or just eat an eighth and then listen to your favorite album of music or favorite song and let the journey commence. Listened to [url=]this[/url] while around my peak. Ethereal beauty.
I won't ever do psychedelics. Done pretty much everything else, excluding those.
Have you ever wondered while looking into a fire while on shrooms why we dont concider it to be a living thing? It eats reproduces grows responds to stimuli
Edited by DemonicChronic: 10/12/2013 11:51:51 AMYeah, you'll be experiencing spiritual realms and floating in astral planes on [i]seven[/i] grams. But post people probably wouldn't handle that much psilocin coursing through them and would crack under the pressure of the body load alone much less all the things they're seeing. Well, anyone who hasn't done psychedelics before, anyways. If you're ever going to try mushrooms for the first time then eat 2 grams or less. You'll feel the effects, definitely, but not enough to start really tripping and the body load wont make you freak out unless you have some real anxiety issues.
Edited by ACTUAL ANDROID: 10/12/2013 11:49:25 AMDid not rea-care since I want to have a good future.
Mario style
Yeah, not interested in doing any drugs to escape reality.
I just eat an eigth and then meditate for a few hours, usually while camping in the forest or somewhere remote and away from people and cars, etc.
7g dry or 7g wet? Sounds like you took 7g dry, that's a lot for someone's first trip.
Or I could just continue to smoke pot and listen to Coast to Coast AM.
And I just thought you were supposed to take them out of the package and fry them up in a pan.