Now I'm a male like most people on this website. But I want to talk about a particular topic of discussion. It's about well you know... But what I want so say is, Why us as men should treat woman more respectfully. Now don't get a bitchy on me, Now I would hit a woman if IF they piss me the hell off. Like when they yell at me because I'm talking to my friend near them. Like what happened today. (I made a post about it today so if you want to find it go ahead) But there has been many times i want to do this. This happened a while back on Facebook (And yes I know the girl she's in my class)
It came up on my status feed or what ever you call it saying she commented on a photo, Now i decided to make a comment saying "Just dropping in" The girl who i mentioned earlier who I hate so much knew i was Turkish and posted "Turkish people have no brains" And I reply "Just to far" (She also called me a Mexican before the teacher told her i was Turkish) And so it went on also trying to find a law about this, I had to report her because you know. And I told her "I don't care what anyone say's on Monday I will punch you in the stomach"
So on Monday I didn't do it cause well I was in front of everyone. But what i want to ask is. Why? Why the hell can they piss us off we cant do anything? But anyway just don't get all bitchy
Also I would give her name but na If you send me a message ill give it to you
[quote]I would hit a woman if IF they piss me the hell off[/quote] You're a fucking retard.