originally posted in:Pokémon Central
Here if anyone wants to breed or trade specifics with other people. Public so anyone can chip in if they want. I'm in the process of catching a shit ton of Dittos of varying natures so I can breed easier.
Buttload of Modest Fennekins I can breed for Timid Zorua I can also hand out Arons and Elekids on demand SHOOT ME
I've got a couple of froakies, going to breed some more right as soon as I finish the main story. PM if you're interested. I'm looking for either fenekins or chespins, but i'd be open to discuss any other possibilities.
Lol, just found a random, shiny hariyama in the friend safari. Second shiny RE i've got in the friend safari......
Got a shiny totadile
Anyone have a Politoed or Slowking? Only got 1 Kings Rock.
Need Huntail and Gorebyss
Might not be right place...but seems right! What would be best place to run/skate/bike to get eggs to hatch? In case...I have pancham and larvitar being bred. Let me know if you want a specific.
Edited by LordFarquaad690: 11/2/2013 4:04:50 PMI just bred a shiny beldum, it only took 4 boxes. :D
Anyone have a hatching O-Power than can give me?
I'm going to start breeding fennekins, if anyone wants. Otherwise, they go to wonder teade
Edited by Enclave Soldier: 11/4/2013 10:35:24 PMNow that I have an Adamant Ditto, whoever wants an Adamant Scrappy Kangaskhan can have one.
Edited by The Squatchmen: 10/31/2013 6:35:26 PM
Started a new topic: Moveset Info / Battling Hub(5 Replies))
I'm sure no one really wants any, but I have a shit ton of eevees...
Edited by Gr33n: 11/2/2013 4:56:19 PMI'm looking for a Shinx, Luxio, or Luxray. Luxio is a friend safari pokemon, so if someone has an electric type safari, I would love a luxio. I've got quilladin in my safari if anyone wants that. EDIT : I have found a Luxio in somebody's friend safari, so now I have a few boxes of baby shinx if anybody wants one. I'm at about 2 boxes and growing.
Edited by The Squatchmen: 10/31/2013 1:37:04 AMDoes anyone have this pokemon: - Larvesta --------------------------------------------------------------- I also need a traded Ditto for my Ditto for breeding reasons
Can someone trade me a larvitar pretty please?
I have Houndours.
Damn, that new mechanic - mega evolution.....just -blam!-ing ruined me. Learning curve
Hi I have a question professor Is this for Pokemon Blue version Hello?
Edited by The Squatchmen: 10/30/2013 6:01:33 PM*Currently editing my poke team*
I would kill for a shiny honedge with brave nature right now.
Seriously considering trading my Heracrossite for another mega stone. Anyone interested?
Went on a code adding spree :3 Have some Frogadier's with Protean and Ditto's now
I am breeding Heracross.
Anyone have a Pinsir and Gigalith? Will trade back.