Just watched a video from IGN about everything they know about Destiny and the way they talked it made it sound like the classes had class-specific gear and you were forced into looking like your class, so bounty hunters have the hoods/cloaks, Titans all look like they are wearing space armor (like Spartans), Warlocks look like they are wearing trenchcoats, etc.
Please tell me this isn't true, that your character can look how you want regardless of class, I really like the hood/cloak look ever since seeing the first trailer and don't want to be forced into playing a bounty hunter when I really want to play a warlock just to be able to look how I want.
Armor is absolutely class specific. It's super important in class based games to create a unique silohette for each class so that you can tell who is what in the heat of combat. Sorry, if you want to have a hood, you're going to have to go Hunter.