originally posted in:Pokémon Central
I'm flooding the Wonder Trade with Adamant Natured Beldums in about 10 minutes so if you want one try to get me.
Could I get a Beldum for a Joltik
I already have a Galvantula but sure , after me and Big Boss do our business
Beldums turn into Metagross right? If so I need one then.
I will mark one of the last ones down for you, I'm breeding right now so if you can wait a little bit I'll get one to you later
I won't be on until tomorrow night.
Ah okay so I've got time.
gimmeh pls
I forgot to put the Everstone back on it last night so the one I have prepared right now is a Timid Nature, is that cool?
Yeah and I'm going to have to breed Joltiks and Noibats tomorrow as well.
Okay, if only the GTS was advanced enough for me to put the Beldum up there now, and make it only to be traded for by one person on my friends list. This would save time for people so that they could put up a Pokemon there for a friend, but each would be able to access it on their own time...
That would be really helpful, sadly this is not the case.
Must whine to GameFreak at once! *marches off*
>Not giving one to your best buddy Zoid
I saved two in-case anyone I know might want one, you can have it soon.
Ready to trade?
TY Some other guy offered to trade with me and I was very confused when I did not see the Beldum
Yeah Acquaintances offer to Battle and such to me randomly as well. [spoiler]It asked if I wanted to do other things with you as well and I declined, should I not have? ;)[/spoiler]