This year's a bit of a bust for me; I'm saving up to visit a few friends in Canada, so I shan't be forking out for many games, if any. Arkham Origins is about the only thing current gen on my radar, and even that doesn't excite me too much. What about you lot?
KZ Shadow Fall. Just watched the story trailer. Game looks so ridiculously good.
The only one I'm looking forward to at the moment is AC4. I'll probably pick up BF4 whenever I get a next gen console though.
[quote]Tfew friends in Canada[/quote]:D OT: None of those really. I only have Ghosts and BF4 pre-ordered.
I'm not anticipating it personally, but I think the title goes to BF4.
BF4, but I'm starting to get into Black Flag.
Sadly BF4.. I mean there wasn't and isn't any mind blowing games this year so I guess I'll go with that.
No Killer Instinct?
Viva Pinata - Pinatapocolypse
None of those games really interest me at the moment, but I can see myself getting AC4 or BF4.
Bf4.... Now that I will actually be playing it on PC fps's kind of interest me again. Though its not a game that I must have, I may or may not end up getting it.
BF4, that Beta...
Probably not gonna get any of the games on that list, but if I had to pick one it would probably be Ghosts.
Battlefield. I do t care for any of the other series'.
Battlefield 4 and Dead Rising 3 show up as blips on my radar. Arkham Origins will probably be a later purchase when price goes down.
BF4. That isn't a good thing. I just realised how shit Q4 2013 is.
Edited by BritLemon: 10/22/2013 2:35:51 PMFor me personally, it's Arkham Origins, DR3 and ACIV.
I could take or leave any of them