originally posted in:Pokémon Central
Is it on newly bred Pokemon? when they reach their final evolution? Doesn't matter?
Answer pls
Also how is your team looking? I'm working on a second one myself:
Ehhh super training is long. Horde training is where it is at. Coupled with pokerus it doesnt take long at all.
ASAP so you can max EVs.
I get it out of the way when they're level 1. also, team1 ( gen 6 pokemon only): Talonflame Doublade Noibat Meowstic Trevenant and Greninja team 2: Lucario Gengar Greninja Charizard (X mega) Scizor Raichu
To me, logically, do super training after using 10 vitamins on that stat on a newly hatched pokemon if you can spare the cash. Super training can get a bit lengthy with the loading and switching between screens.
The absolute best time is as soon as the pokemon is caught/hatched. If you wait until you've trained it the EV's will be messed up. You can reset them of course, however reset bags are one of the rare bags and as such getting can take a long time, and that's not counting the six you would have to get. Though, if you don't know how a pokemon's stats will turn out and don't look it up, then it would be better to train it first.
There is a bag that resets it's EVs, so couldn't you raise it all the way up, wipe it's EVs and start from scratch?
It really doesn't matter when you do it, the only reason why it's better to do it early is so you don't have to reset it's EVs.
Edited by Orion: 10/30/2013 3:29:11 AMComparison pic for OP (no EVs right). 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpAtt
Guys I need help understanding EV's in general I'm still confused I've done most of the Super Training but I don't understand the concept, if EV's are maxed out for base stats in Super Training, how is it that I earn points towards other stats when my Pokemon level up? Help pls
It's best to start super training off the bat. As early as you can, that way so you don't waste any EVs.
Edited by KilljoyDetective: 10/25/2013 7:45:11 PMIt doesn't matter when you use them, so long as you do. But you want to Super Train them in the values you want before they accumulate EVs from regular battles, for instance before I trained the Vulpix I'm using now, I just sat down and Super Trained it for about two hours in one sitting before I started getting it experience. Even if your Pokemon don't battle, they can still gain EVs and mess up their values, so you want to have them filled out before anything else or it disrupts them. Team: Amaterasu(Ninetales) Houndoom Flareon Delphox Arcanine Rapidash
I do it from birth.