Hello flood and you bungie, I just wanted to say thank you, I also wanted to tell my story and how me and bungie have grown.
First off, what makes bungie so special? Is it there games, support to us, or just that magical feel. Well its all of those and what makes them different is how cool they are, and they actually make games unlike *coughinfinitywardcough* All of bungie's games are great and beautiful pieces of art , they are what made me the person I am today. Without their games I probably would be just another person, and a lot of bungie's games help me through tough times, I would pick up that controller and play. It made me happy, it was the best social game, me and my friends chillin and playing Halo. The best of times. But Halo made a HUGE impact on my life and how thought, it made me realize what made a good game. When I first dived feet first into hell I felt a chill down my spine and immersed my self in the story and Marty's great music. When there were tough times in life, Halo would cheer me up, I was poor and had little food and a small house, but I did have and xbox and Halo it made the situation less stressful and help me cope with what was going on with my family. My dad would always play halo with me and sometimes friends would come over. It was the most fun ever. Those were just the one and two days, now come three. Halo three was what was what I really enjoyed, I met the best people even if I never got to meet them face to face. There was no "haters" everyone was friends of all ages. There was no problems with trolls or anything it was simple fun. Why Halo three was the best (In my opinion) is its simplicity what most games today lack. They make it to complicated or add to many gimmicks taking away from the game. Halo three nailed simplicity and fun. The main mechanics were shoot and jump really damn high. Oh and game types were amazing. Also , dat music. I guess this sums this up, Thank you bungie keep kicking ass.
Your dear friend,
ps: Im 11 :D , seriously, thank you a whole lot.
Good for you bro. What's your gamertag on xbox?? I play lots of Battlefield and Halo 3