Let's say you and a compatriot and are both caught and arrested, for a time, you sit in cells far away from each other, and no interaction is possible. After a few days of silence and no interaction, a interrogator comes in and talks to you both at separate times, but says the same lines of dialogue. If you rat on your partner, your sentence will be shortened. If your partner rats on you, your sentence will be extended and theirs shortened.
- 2 years for both if neither tells on the other
- 1 year for you if you tell on them, and 1 year for them if they tell on you
- 15 years if you are told on, your partner gets 1 year. Vice-versa for them
- 10 years if you each tell on the other
Do you tell on your partner in crime? Or do you keep what you have to yourself to shorten the sentences regardless?
You have no way of knowing the other person's choice until the day after the interrogator talks to you and shows how much time you will be serving.