It's easy to play.
Just post what you are in possession of, the name of the person you got it from, your current address, your full legal name, your date of birth, gender, height, hair colour, and a photo of yourself doing them.
Holding: Four Marijuanas
Dealer: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Adress: 1235 Druggie Lane, Injectionville, Nebrahoma
Name: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (His name is my name too)
DOB: January 1, 1990
Gender: Both
Height: 6 inches when "standing at attention"
Hair Colour: The same as the drapes.
[b] [/b]
5th amendment.
I took some ibuprofen.
I took hehe... I took ok this is bad I'm a bad boy because my mommy said I shouldn't take it I took Some mile n nikes hehe
I was prescribed something by the doctor, a pill. That counts, right?
Nice try NSA, I'm on to you.
Pump up the Valium!
I took a Zantac this morning. Yeah, I'm badass like that.