Most people were going to buy next gen consoles not for the wxclusives, but Ubisoft's early lineup.
Watchdogs was delayed till April, which is both good and bad. It's good because it shows that it wasn't finished, and they don't want to give a half assed game to the community. This however is bad because the initial next gen lineup is pretty terrible imo.
Battlefield and COD are nothing 'new' in a sense, and both the Xbox and Playstation's exclusives are not great enough to lure people into the next-gen AT LAUNCH, however i believe that sales will pick up around Christmas and early 2014.
Sorry Ubisoft, but you dun goofed.
Watch Dogs looks like a boring GTA/Deus Ex clone.
How do you know most people were going to buy next gen consoles for Watch Dogs?
Launch lineups are usually pretty underwhelming.