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originally posted in:The Vanguardians
originally posted in: Code of Ethics for Male Gamers
10/31/2013 10:08:21 PM
1. You're in college yet you don't know the difference between than and then, latter and ladder, curtain and certain? 2.You completely dodge every point I make and don't even comment on them, rule number one of a debate, follow the debate. 3. Quoting a picture of text detailing sexual harassment over video games doesn't contest with my point. I never said it isn't a problem, I made fun of the way you went about it. After which I made fun of the fact you can't follow your own train of thought. Quoting a picture of text detailing the problem in this thread won't make me wrong nor will it change your original train of thought and thread format, the topic of this debate. 4.You are correct in that I know the way you think, I also explained your own thought process to you. It was quite evident in the format of your thread. You also never contested my explanation with any details of your "actual" train of thought, even though I'm "wrong". Wouldn't that be the simplest defense? You didn't contest it in detail because you can't, it was correct. 5. You shouldn't call someone with superior linguistic and debating skills little boy, what would that make you? 6.Treating women differently than men is the very root and pure definition of sexism, the main cause of sexual harassment. By telling people to treat women differently, you are encouraging and promoting sexism. "(A.But according to you. This is no big problem and everyone know that this is wrong.) (B.You see what you doing is assuming that you know and understand how other people think. Which is retarded by the way. (A2.Once again I never said that knowledge was the problem.) (C.I said that this was just a problem. I never signaled out why it is a problem") A. I never once said, in any post, sexual harassment wasn't a big problem. I did however say that people do know it's wrong and that educating them on the fact it's wrong won't do anything. You agreed everyone already knows and that this is not a problem of lack of knowledge. B. As previously stated it was quite evident what your train of thought was, it wasn't hard to figure out what you were thinking. I'll quote it for you. "I told you how I got my reason for assuming you thought it was through lack of knowledge, considering a "Dos and Donts" list is to educate. That's what they're for. Their purpose is to be read and understood as guidelines. Things to do, and not to do. Why educate someone through guidelines if the root of the problem is not their knowledge itself? Considering they already have the knowledge, since you say knowledge is not the reason, they'd just be reading off things they already know, now wouldn't they? Which would make this thread, a "Dos and Don't" list, useless. You did not articulate your point correctly, educating, AKA adding to their knowledge, was not the right way to go about the problem you wish to tackle." If your point was not to add to their knowledge, why would you use a tool (Dos and Don'ts list) that has one purpose, adding knowledge? It's equivalent to putting a square block through a circular hole, no? I'll repeat this, you did not articulate your point in a manner advantageous to your goal. You couldn't. a college student, put your thoughts in words. You couldn't even use proper English spelling and grammar in the words you so proudly produced. I found this and your other threads hilariously stupid. C. You clearly "signaled out" (LMFAO you don't need the out considering you already signaled) that you thought the problem was knowledge. You don't need to say something to imply something. For instance, structuring of a thread. You structured this thread to add to a person's knowledge, whether that was your goal or not. By using a "Dos and Don'ts" list, who's sole purpose is to add knowledge , to do something other than add knowledge. OK ready, this is how we debate. You take my points and counter them with your points. It's kind of like Battleship, only you know where their ships are. Now use your missiles. Hopefully I repeated myself enough times for it to be burned into that scholarly college brain of yours. But I have to say, you sir, have wasted your money on college LMFAO. Even if this is the result of high school I'd still have to say it's taxpayer money down the drain. Maybe your lack of articulation stems from your inability to produce the English language correctly? That or English is your second language, which I suppose is some what the same thing.

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