Imagine all drive in your life is fueled by pain, everything that causes you harm furthers your ambition to work harder in life. Get in a car crash? Enjoy the pain and drive yourself harder to get a better car after the wreck. Lose your job to someone less qualified? Embrace that pain to psych yourself up to get an even better job. It's like a self-repeating cycle of pain that only further enriches your life.
I actually even saw a study a researcher put out that suggested that Masochistic people are a new breed of human adapted to living in harsh times and places...
(Okay because it seems people would rather be critical about the standard definition of a Masochist or Masochism instead of discussing the interesting function of it, I need to elaborate that: [quote]the tendency to derive pleasure, [b]esp. sexual gratification,[/b] from one's own pain or humiliation.[/quote]
The bolded part is the most common hand in hand symptom of masochism, but it is not the only type of pleasure that can be gained, since of course there are more types of pleasurable feelings in the world [omitting sexual pleasure in this case mainly].
And in the OP, when something happens that causes you pain, you do not get shut down by it and instead writhe in the pleasure of the moment, in sometimes a sexual manner of course, but when those events happen, they don't shut you down like a normal person might react to it, but make that person feel more alive and reignited, and then they are inspired to get back out there because of the pleasure they gained from the pain in the first place. It's a cycle of near endless rebirth, and that was my point.)
But what is everyone else's thoughts?
Could use more Space Marines... JK But yeah... When I lost my first few jobs, I felt a kind of pain; mentally I felt anguish at frist. But I knew I could get anything less then no job so. I could only go up from there.