Wow, 343 is retarded, and unoriginal. The trailer shows Master Chief in a cloak/cape.
Why the hell would Chief, in a SPARTAN suit, need a cape? His suit can't protect him from the wind and sand? LOL
This is 343 just trying to be "epic", and they're failing miserably.
The worst part is, given how Destiny has a ton of capes as well, this is just gonna have people confuse the two series, and they're gonna say Destiny is a rip off of Halo.
Go to hell,343 and Halo
Technically there is no rip off of any sort at all. And I've said this beofre. Its bungie and activision working so hard here so inevitably there is going to be aspects of obviously both halo and cod. Besides that's what bungie wants is a kind of familiar feel so new gamers can pick up the controller for destiny as well as us vets. Plus not a.single person can say there aren't certain things in halo that could make other games better correct? Just saying.