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Edited by Gr33n: 11/15/2013 11:10:37 PM

Friend Safari Master List

So there's a master list of 3DS friend codes, but I thought I'd compile a list of the friend safari pokemon that everyone has, along with the hidden abilities available for the pokemon in them. I'll start the list with everyone that has added me as a friend, because I can't check the safaris of those that haven't. I'll try to keep this updated as people add me / complete the game to earn their third pokemon. If you want to know about the Friend Safari, there's a comment with a detailed explanation below. [b]Example : Name FRIE-NDCO-DE--[/b] : Type - [u]Pokemon 1[/u] - [i]Hidden Ability[/i] - [u]Pokemon 2[/u] - [i]Hidden Ability[/i] - [u]Pokemon 3[/u] - [i]Hidden Ability[/i] [quote][b]AlmightyFury : Mikey 5343-8954-5929[/b] : Flying - [u]Spearow[/u] - [i]Sniper (1.5x stronger critical hits)[/i] - [u]Woobat[/u] - [i]Simple (boosts stat-changing moves, like defense curl)[/i] - [u]Fletchinder[/u] - [i]Gale Wings (Flying type moves hit faster)[/i] [b]Alpha Zero : 0645-5896-0044[/b] : Grass - [u]Pansage[/u] - [i]Overgrow (grass 1.5x stronger at 1/3 HP)[/i] - [u]Sawsbuck[/u] - [i]Serene Grace (double chance for status or stat changing effects from moves)[/i] - [u]Maractus[/u] - [i]Storm Drain (all water attacks in multi-battles are directed at the pokemon)[/i] [b]Bloodrave101 : Armandiiii 4356-0603-6029[/b] : Fire - [u]Ponyta[/u] - [i]Flame Body (30% chance of burning when hit by physical attack)[/i] - [u]Pyroar[/u] - [i]Moxie (attack goes up after making a pokemon faint)[/i] [b]Big Boss : Sean 2981-6347-2981[/b] : Electric - [u]Emolga[/u] - [i]Motor Drive (when hit by an electric attack, takes no damage and raises speed)[/i] - [u]Electabuzz[/u] - [i]Vital Spirit (can't sleep)[/i] - [u]Manectric[/u] - [i]Minus (raises SpAtk if fighting alongside another pokemon with Plus/Minus)[/i] [b]BoneCrusher3434 : Chris 3582-9694-8864[/b] : Fire - [u]Ponyta[/u] - [i]Flame Body (30% chance of burning when hit by physical attack)[/i] - [u]Larvesta[/u] - [i]Swarm (Bug does 1.5x when at 1/3 HP)[/i] - [u]Fletchinder[/u] - [i]Gale Wings (Flying type moves hit faster)[/i] [b]Butane : David 4957-2829-8795[/b] : Dragon - [u]Gabite[/u] - [i]Rough Skin (damages attacker when hit with Physical Attack)[/i] - [u]Dragonair[/u] - [i]Marvel Scale (50% higher defense when it has a staus effect)[/i] [b]Cernunnos : Dude 0318-7199-1150[/b] : Poison - [u]Seviper[/u] - [i]Infiltrator (ignores Reflect, Safeguard, Light Screen, Mist, and Substitute)[/i] - [u]Venomoth[/u] - [i]Wonder Skin (opponent's status move accuracy reduced to 50%)[/i] [b]Cookie Ninja: Zach 4656-6796-4013[/b] : Ice - [u]Delibird[/u] - [i]Insomnia (can't sleep)[/i] - [u]Bergmite[/u] - [i]Sturdy (prevents OKOs)[/i] - [u]Piloswine[/u] - [i]Thick Fat (Fire and Ice attacks do half damage)[/i] [b]Delta E27: Luke 4227-2105-5222[/b] : Flying - [u]Doduo[/u] - [i]Tangled Feet (evasion goes up 20% when confused)[/i] - [u]Woobat[/u] - [i]Simple (boosts stat-changing moves, like defense curl)[/i] - [u]Fletchinder[/u] - [i]Gale Wings (Flying type moves hit faster)[/i] [b]Enclave Soldier : Morgan 0404-6927-5548[/b] : Poison - [u]Cascoon[/u] - [i]Shed Skin (33% chance to heal status effect every turn)(always has this ability)[/i] - [u]Venomoth[/u] - [i]Wonder Skin (opponent's status move accuracy reduced to 50%)[/i] - [u]Toxicroak[/u] - [i]Poison Touch (all contact-based attacks have a 30% chance of poisoning the target)[/i] [b]Glovsky49 : Bryan 4382-2316-1117[/b] : Flying - [u]Pidgey[/u] - [i]Big Pecks (prevents lowering of the pokemon's defense stat)[/i] - [u]Woobat[/u] - [i]Simple (boosts stat-changing moves, like defense curl)[/i] - [u]Hawlucha[/u] - [i]Mold Breaker (Negates abilities that would effect Hawlucha's attack - ex: Earthquake would hit a PkMn with levitate)[/i] [b]Gr33n : 3754-7263-8179[/b] : Grass - [u]Oddish[/u] - [i]Run Away (guarantees escape from wild Pokemon)[/i] - [u]Swadloon[/u] - [i]Overcoat (prevents damage from weather as well as powder-based attacks)[/i] - [u]Quilladin[/u] - [i]Bulletproof (immune to bomb- and ball-based moves - [url=]list here[/url])[/i] [b]Gunner Rya : 2122-6693-3649[/b] : Flying - [u]Pidgey[/u] - [i]Big Pecks (prevents lowering of the pokemon's defense stat)[/i] - [u]Woobat[/u] - [i]Simple (boosts stat-changing moves, like defense curl)[/i] - [u]Tropius[/u] - [i]Harvest (50% to restore a used berry each turn; 100% chance in intense sunlight)[/i] [b]H3G : Bandicoot 5086-1995-5880[/b] : Fighting - [u]Machoke[/u] - [i]Steadfast (speed increases on flinching)[/i] - [u]Pancham[/u] - [i]Scrappy (Normal and Fighting moves will hit Ghost Types)[/i] - [u]Hariyama[/u] - [i]Sheer Force (attacks with a secondary effect hit 30% harder, but lose the secondary effect)[/i] [b]Kilo Juliett: KJ 4055-3240-6278[/b] : Rock - [u]Boldore[/u] - [i]Sand Force (no damage from sandstorm; sandstorm boosts Rock, Ground, Steel by 30%)[/i] - [u]Onix[/u] - [i]Weak Armor (when the pokemon is hit with a physical attack, defense drops, speed raises)[/i] - [u]Barbaracle[/u] - [i]Pickpocket (when in contact with another pokemon, it steals the held item)[/i] [b]Kilo Juliett: KJ 4055-3240-6278[/b] : Rock - [u]Boldore[/u] - [i]Sand Force (no damage from sandstorm; sandstorm boosts Rock, Ground, Steel by 30%)[/i] - [u]Onix[/u] - [i]Weak Armor (when the pokemon is hit with a physical attack, defense drops, speed raises)[/i] - [u]Barbaracle[/u] - [i]Pickpocket (when in contact with another pokemon, it steals the held item)[/i] [b]Milk : 3411-1780-4598[/b] : Bug - [u]Ledyba[/u] - [i]Rattled (when hit by Bug, Dark, or Ghost, speed increases)[/i] - [u]Vivillon[/u] - [i]Friend Guard (Reduces damage done to allies by 25%)[/i] [b]Nick Saban : XxKLUTCHxX 2079-6716-5830[/b] : Dragon - [u]Gabite[/u] - [i]Rough Skin (damages attacker when hit with Physical Attack)[/i] - [u]Dragonair[/u] - [i]Marvel Scale (50% higher defense when it has a staus effect)[/i] [b]OctaviusFalcon : 0318-7808-0693[/b] : Rock - [u]Nosepass[/u] - [i]Sand Force (no damage from sandstorm; sandstorm boosts Rock, Ground, Steel by 30%)[/i] - [u]Onix[/u] - [i]Weak Armor (when the pokemon is hit with a physical attack, defense drops, speed raises)[/i] - [u]Rhydon[/u] - [i]Reckless (if a move has recoil or crash damage, it hits 20% harder)[/i] [b]OfTheBloodguard : Keeps 3539-9573-7883[/b] : Psychic - [u]Munna[/u] - [i]Telepathy (can't be hit by allies)[/i] - [u]Espurr[/u] - [i]Own Tempo (can't be confused)[/i] [b]omg a bannana : Banana 1547-5725-5171[/b] : Dragon - [u]Fraxure[/u] - [i]Unnerve (the opponent can't eat any berries)[/i] - [u]Dragonair[/u] - [i]Marvel Scale (50% higher defense when it has a staus effect)[/i] - [u]Druddigon[/u] - [i]Mold Breaker (Negates abilities that would effect Druddigon's attack - ex: Earthquake would hit a PkMn with levitate)[/i] [b]Orion: Kane 1779-0650-1464[/b] : Grass - [u]Pansage[/u] - [i]Overgrow (grass 1.5x stronger at 1/3 HP)[/i] - [u]Ivysaur[/u] - [i]Chlorophyll (Speed doubles while in sunny weather)[/i] - [u]Gogoat[/u] - [i]Grass Pelt (defense is raised when Grassy Terrain is active)[/i] [b]RConnz : Rhys 2852-7632-0993[/b] : Ghost - [u]Shuppet[/u] - [i]Cursed Body (30% chance to disable the opponent's attack)[/i] - [u]Phantump[/u] - [i]Harvest (50% to restore a used berry each turn; 100% chance in intense sunlight)[/i] [b]Reor : Rahz 0189-8531-7400[/b] : Grass - [u]Sunkern[/u] - [i]Early Bird (Sleeps for half the number of turns, rounded down)[/i] - [u]Ivysaur[/u] - [i]Chlorophyll (Speed doubles while in sunny weather)[/i] [b]The Squatchmen: Squatchmen 0962-9588-6791[/b] : Bug - [u]Combee[/u] - [i]Hustle (Atk raised by 50%, Accuracy of Physcial moves lowered by 20%)[/i] - [u]Volbeat[/u] - [i]Prankster (status moves hit faster, can't be blocked by Quick Guard)[/i] - [u]Venomoth[/u] - [i]Wonder Skin (opponent's status move accuracy reduced to 50%)[/i] [b]Swampert : Twerk4Work 2294-4647-7132[/b] : Electric - [u]Pachirisu[/u] - [i]Volt Absorb (if hit by electric move, take no damage and heal 1/4 health)[/i] - [u]Electabuzz[/u] - [i]Vital Spirit (can't sleep)[/i] - [u]Luxio[/u] - [i]Guts (Atk raised by 50% if inflicted with status effect; burn does not lower Atk)[/i] [b]TAChief : Tauseef 2036-7782-5047[/b] : Normal - [u]Aimpom[/u] - [i]Skill Link (multi-hit attacks always hit the max number of times)[/i] - [u]Audino[/u] - [i]Klutz (negates the effects of held items in battle)[/i] - [u]Ditto[/u] - [i]Imposter (uses Transform as soon as it enters the battle, without using a turn)[/i] [b]Teh Puma: Travis 5257-9969-7923[/b] : Rock - [u]Nosepass[/u] - [i]Sand Force (no damage from sandstorm; sandstorm boosts Rock, Ground, Steel by 30%)[/i] - [u]Magcargo[/u] - [i]Weak Armor (when the pokemon is hit with a physical attack, defense drops, speed raises)[/i] - [u]Shuckle[/u] - [i]Contrary (all stat-changing moves targeted at the Shuckle have the opposite effect)[/i] [b]WaffleFairy937 : Hunter 4742-6010-0861[/b] : Electric - [u]Pachirisu[/u] - [i]Volt Absorb (if hit by electric move, take no damage and heal 1/4 health)[/i] - [u]Electabuzz[/u] - [i]Vital Spirit (can't sleep)[/i] - [u]Manectric[/u] - [i]Minus (raises SpAtk if fighting alongside another pokemon with Plus/Minus)[/i] [b]Zoid : Potato 2578-3321-2291[/b] : Normal - [u]Dunsparce[/u] - [i]Rattled (when hit by Bug, Dark, or Ghost, speed increases)[/i] - [u]Loudred[/u] - [i]Scrappy (Normal and Fighting moves will hit Ghost Types)[/i] - [u]Chansey[/u] - [i]Healer (30% chance to heal an ally's status ailment each turn)[/i] [/quote] If your information is incorrect, or if you want to be added to the list, please post your details below or add me as a friend. I'll try to update this as it changes.

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  • At first when someone told me my Safari was Fighting I kinda was like meh But I have okay Pokemon, kinda wish mind was Ground or Fire

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    • Edited by Gr33n: 11/11/2013 11:05:49 PM
      So I hit the character limit and have to move the Friend Safari explanation to make room for the list. [b]What is Friend Safari?[/b] Friend Safari is essentially the new iteration of the safari zone. It exists in Kiloude City, which is unlocked after completing the game, and there have been some major changes this time around. For starters, you use your own pokeballs, and the encounters are just like they would be in the wild (you actually fight the pokemon normally - no more throwing rocks and bait). It's also structured entirely different, designed to encourage you to get more 3DS friends. The entire zone is divided into small sections, and you can only enter one area at a time. Each area corresponds to one of your friends. Each of your friends also has a type associated with them, and 2 pokemon (3 after they beat the elite four) that will appear in their area. For example, my type is Grass, with Oddish and Petilil appearing in my area. Once I beat the elite four, my third pokemon, Quilladin, was added. All pokemon in the Friend Safari are level 30. [b]Why should I care?[/b] Many of the pokemon that are available in the Friend Safari are not found naturally in the Kalos region, including pokemon such as Chansey, Combee, Dragonair, Luxio, Growlithe, and Tropius. Not only is it a good place to find these pokemon, but it is also one of the best ways to get pokemon with their Hidden Abilities. If your friend is online while you are in their safari area, the pokemon you encounter can have their Hidden Ability. This is where all those Protean Froakies came from. There are also rumors that the encounter rate for shiny pokemon is higher in the Friend Safari, but I don't think these have been confirmed yet. If this is true, it might be to make up for the fact that you can't use the PokeRadar in the Friend Safari. [b]How do I know what my type is?[/b] Unfortunately, there isn't a way to see what your type is, or what the pokemon in your area are, without getting the information from a friend. You also can not access your own Friend Safari area, meaning the Friend Safari is pretty much useless unless you have at least one friend.

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      • Ewww.... rock. -blam!-. Is there anyway to check the third pokemon I've got?

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