For what reason sir?
[quote] June 14, 2013[/quote]
Have been here since I was 11, this is one of my many accounts. My first was AMONGTHELEGENDS1. I believe i have told this story before
All I see is a 6 month old account
Hahha okay friend, whatever you choose to believe. Are you of Bunge.old?
Wtf [quote] Are you B .Old[/quote] No, I'm a poster not a forum
Of is the keyword you are missing. Like if I had said I am of North Carolina, it would mean I am from North Carolina. I meant to ask, were you around back before B.Next?
Then I must ask... Cereal -blam!-er?
[quote]Cereal -blam- [/quote] ?
The 12 page erotica written on B.Old about his intimate relationship with a girl through having sex with cereal.
Cheerios nufag
I remember vividly one paragraph where he dumped frosted flakes and milk down her vagina and -blam!-ed her... So cereal nufag [spoiler]your turn[/spoiler]