Not really surprised to be honest.
[url=http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchObject.action?uri=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0077552&representation=PDF]Here's the paper itself[/url] ([url=http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0077552]and associated page[/url]) for anybody who wants to read it and, y'know, get the facts instead of seeing [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=62520077&path=1]things that simply aren't true[/url]. Also interesting to see good ol' [url=http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/24/4766750/popular-science-says-comments-are-bad-for-science-shuts-them-down]distrust of science ITT[/url]. Continue rationalising your views though; it's giving us all a good chuckle.
Ya, I'm racist against black people. I had to drag my face out of a black booty to type about just how racist I am. People need to realize you can make a "study" say literally anything you want.
So what about the black gun owners I know? They racist against their own race?
Big surprise
Well I guess i'm racist. Who knew?
I can tell by the picture of zimmer and treyvon this is going to end well
Correlation does not equal causality. Bewm. Go take some statistics or sociology courses, then we talk.
Correlation =/= causation
The gun movement has links to various vigilante groups, that have historically been racist.
oh yes, let's just ignore the concept of cause and effect. because correlation equals causation, one hundred percent of the time.
Apparently the study asked a question like "Do you think black people should still blame slavery for their problems?" or something, and if you said no, you're a racist. An incredibly biased study, basically.
Edited by cxkxr: 11/7/2013 1:03:45 AM"You own guns! That's RACIST!" -OP's dumbass.
Protip: Everyone's racist.
[quote][url=http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-10/uom-rlw103013.php]link[/url] Not really surprised to be honest.[/quote]no that's just shot I'm a proud gun owner (I have 9) and that just bull
Guns = good Racism = bad To me, it could not be more black and white [spoiler]Pun intended[/spoiler]
These "studies" are retarded. Correlation != causation
Lol, lets just ignore every other factor involved in racism and gun ownership
Gr8 b8 m8
Dat nerdy hipster.
uh oh...
I...what? I'm all for studies and research, but not once was any sort of concrete evidence mentioned. He basically said "This research was done; they say it means this." He didn't say how it was done (I really want to know how they could accomplish a study that could successfully link racism to gun-ownership, really), the different aspects of the study itself, or really [i]anything[/i] of substance at all. And "symbolic racism" (dat definition and different example)? Really? There's something wrong occurring when someone splits racism into two different categories of intensity and essentially ignores one of them. Honestly, this "symbolic racism" exists for a reason. I don't condone discriminating against anyone because of preconceived ideas, but if a particular race of people has a very large tendency towards some trait, then it is statistically more likely that any one of them will have that trait.
Edited by Gay Snake: 11/6/2013 12:50:06 AMGuy on the right is [b][u][i]fine[/i][/u][/b].
I don't really care one way or another in this gun debate, but just as a standard, if a study or its abstract doesn't list its sample size, it's probably a small sample size. The very minimum sample size you should have is about 100 people.