The first console I ever played a game for a solid amount of time on was the PS1 with Abe's Oddysee, an incredibly hard and violent game for a small child to play (it scared me shitless) but so captivating that I couldn't not play it.
What were your experiences? Did you play video games from an early age or did you get into it later on in life?
First console I ever played on was my dad's old Atari 2600 when I was like 5. I don't remember what we actually played first, but he had like, 30 games for it and we went through all of them. He was going to sell it, and we had to make sure everything still worked. First console I ever owned was the original Xbox (which I can't refer to as "Xbox 1" anymore, thanks MS), but before then I would go to friends' houses for some Turok, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, or Twisted Metal action. That all changed when I got my hands on Halo.