The PS4 releases next friday, and as many of us may know there is always some kind of incident. Some people get robbed, stabbed, what ever. What are you doing to stay safe?
I am going with my armaments. Nothing special!
Some pro-tips if you are going to the midnight launch for either console: 1. Arrive early. Be one of the first in line, you're less likely to be mugged/etc. when theres a huge line of people there to potentially see it (even if your car is further away from the line). 2. Bring a friend, or two. An assaulter will be more intimidated if you have friends with you. 3. Park close to the store entrance, this should be easier to do the earlier you arrive for the midnight launch (see #1). 4. Pick up games, accessories, etc. before midnight launch if at all possible. The less you have to carry the less vulnerable you are. 5. If you can't park close to the store, try your best to park under a light pole. The more visible they are to others, the higher chance they have of being caught, meaning the less likely an assaulter would try to attack you. And the obvious one: 6. Don't go to midnight launch if you are really concerned. The world will still spin if you don't get it at midnight. Some other measures you can take is calling your store and asking if they will have security at the event, if not you can probably call your police station and ask and see if they have an officer available who can help. Also call and make sure what procedures your store is doing so you are better prepared. Pay off your preorder before midnight launch so you don't need to bring your wallet with you (take your ID in if required separately from your wallet). This all being said, the likeliness of this happening to anyone is extremely low, but the possibility is there. It'll be a weeknight on the midnight launch, and again, its at night, when most of the *baddies* lurk. I wish everyone a safe midnight launch in the coming week(s).