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11/9/2013 4:59:33 AM

I'm disappointed in Gamers

Since when have games been about 1080p and 60fps? Everyone and their brothers keep yapping about why CoD: Ghosts will be soooo much better on the PS4 over the Xbox One because on the PS4 has more pixels and looks slightly prettier. Let's face it, CoD is going to suck no matter how many pixels you shove into it. Why? It is a bad game. Same argument is brewing for Battlefield 4. You know what? I've seen it on the Xbox One, it looks beautiful, I haven't seen it on the PS4, but I'm sure it is beautiful as well. Doesn't matter either way, it will still be a great game. If the pixels and framerate matter so much to you, why not get a PC and max that bitch out? At least then you'd be playing in SUPER MEGA ULTRA HD with more frames than a dirty cop, and I wouldn't have to see your hatred flow into the forums. I've not made it a secret that I will be getting an Xbox One and that I will also be getting a PS4 at some point. The Xbox One is coming first for a few reasons. [spoiler]1.) Loyalty - The 360 was my first step into online gaming. I made friends, fed trolls, ate from the troll trough, and raged along with the rest of them. I have lots of memories on my Xbox and enjoy the simplicity of the network (unless I have to open that goddamned NAT). 2.) Innovation - Let's face it, the Xbox One is doing more to advance consoles than the PS4. Sure it may have some powerful hardware, but what are people going to do when that wears off? Consoles outdate themselves pretty damn quick, so focusing on that is not the way to maintain userbase. Look at the Wii. That console had shit graphics, but is one of the most popular consoles to ever launch. Is the Xbox One as innovative at the Wii? Hell no, but in comparison to the PS4, it may as well be. Sony made a mistake not bundling the Eye, they've held themselves back. Some of you may scoff at the idea, but time will show that once people bitch about how much of a waste it was to buy the new Playstation eye. 3.) All in One - My PS3 serves as my hub for everything but gaming for the most part. I still watch Netflix and Hulu on my xbox, and I do play the occasional title on my PS3, but it is a great device to have in the living room because it can play blu rays, and it does it really well. The Xbox One is going to due everything my PS3 does, plus add an HDMI in so I can hook my TV into my gaming experience. I won't have to switch inputs ever again, plus I can seamless swap between watching tv and playing games during commercials (gotta love dat SNAP). 4.) Honesty - I won't disagree that Microsoft has been and continues to seem like a shady mofo, that is what every corporation ends up looking like once they get big enough (yes, this includes Sony). But dammit, for better or for worse, they have been pretty honest with the consumers and have had enough humility to change their policies once the (misguided) masses started an outcry. Was it a step backwards for one of the greatest devices made so far? Yes, but it was necessary to calm the paranoid, self righteous, hypocritical, over entitled brats that make the loudest portion of the gaming culture today. (I hate piracy, and believe in protecting content makers rights as much as possible). Nevertheless, Microsoft has been pretty good about being straight up with people, and I respect them for that.[/spoiler] Hopefully, those of you who read this will understand that I hope gaming will become more about the experience you have than the amount of polygons and particle effects that litter your screen. Lately I've played some older games or games that mimic older titles and have gotten more enjoyment from those than from the current gen of games stacked on my shelf. I'm hoping the glitz and glamour faze will die out, because I want gaming to be fun again. I want innovation, story telling, emotion. Destiny should be the first step in that direction for the next generation...I hope it won't be the last.

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  • [quote]fed trolls, are from the troll trough[/quote] Haven't we all? Lol

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  • Shit can we let this thread die already? I don't care if I'm bumping it, my irony knows no limit.

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    8 Replies
    • [quote]Since when have games been about 1080p and 60fps? [/quote] 2006? PC users are almost ready to jump to 4k while consoles are just getting to 1080(well at least one of them is) [quote]Everyone and their brothers keep yapping about why CoD: Ghosts will be soooo much better on the PS4 over the Xbox One because on the PS4 has more pixels and looks slightly prettier. Let's face it, CoD is going to suck no matter how many pixels you shove into it. Why? It is a bad game.[/quote] Except it's not just about Ghosts. It's about multi-plats in general. Literally every game on the PS4 is 1080 native except for Battlefield 4. In the same note, literally every-multiplay is 720p on the Xbone except for sports games. [quote]Same argument is brewing for Battlefield 4. You know what? I've seen it on the Xbox One, it looks beautiful, I haven't seen it on the PS4, but I'm sure it is beautiful as well. Doesn't matter either way, it will still be a great game. [/quote] And it looks better on the PS4 while having a better avg. framerate. [quote] If the pixels and framerate matter so much to you, why not get a PC and max that bitch out? At least then you'd be playing in SUPER MEGA ULTRA HD with more frames than a dirty cop, and I wouldn't have to see your hatred flow into the forums.[/quote] If a game runs poorly on a console I know who to blame. If a game runs poorly on a PC you have to jump though too many hoops to find out what's exactly wrong. That and I would rather not have to mess with files. I've not made it a secret that I will be getting an Xbox One and that I will also be getting a PS4 at some point. The Xbox One is coming first for a few reasons. [quote] 2.) Innovation - Let's face it, the Xbox One is doing more to advance consoles than the PS4. Sure it may have some powerful hardware, but what are people going to do when that wears off? Consoles outdate themselves pretty damn quick, so focusing on that is not the way to maintain userbase. Look at the Wii. That console had shit graphics, but is one of the most popular consoles to ever launch. [/quote] Wii was popular because it introduced Motion Controls to the mainstream, and judging by Wii-U sales, no gives a shit anymore. All Xbone is doing is putting things that you can get literally anywhere else for free and putting them behind a pay wall. Not really innovative. [quote]Sony made a mistake not bundling the Eye, they've held themselves back. Some of you may scoff at the idea, but time will show that once people bitch about how much of a waste it was to buy the new Playstation eye. [/quote] t was either 8 gigs of GDDR5 or the Eye. They knew what they wanted first so they sacrificed the Eye in favor of a more capable video game console. [quote]4.) Honesty - I won't disagree that Microsoft has been and continues to seem like a shady mofo, that is what every corporation ends up looking like once they get big enough (yes, this includes Sony). But dammit, for better or for worse, they have been pretty honest with the consumers and have had enough humility to change their policies once the (misguided) masses started an outcry. Was it a step backwards for one of the greatest devices made so far? Yes, but it was necessary to calm the paranoid, self righteous, hypocritical, over entitled brats that make the loudest portion of the gaming culture today. (I hate piracy, and believe in protecting content makers rights as much as possible). Nevertheless, Microsoft has been pretty good about being straight up with people, and I respect them for that.[/quote] [b]LMFAO[/b] [b]What honesty? [/b]

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      2 Replies
      • I'm going on what my friends are getting.

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      • Edited by Wonderbread: 11/11/2013 1:04:32 AM
        There has always been the "Muh Graphics" crowd since the Nintendo vs Sega days. They just have the internet instead of the lunch room to shout it at the top of their lungs now.

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        2 Replies
        • Late 90's kids have no clue what true gaming is. To them it's all about graphics.

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          5 Replies
          • Edited by Hunter: 11/10/2013 2:33:17 AM
            But, the one of the only reasons to get a next gen console is better graphics, right? I [b]seriously[/b] doubt that it was a mistake not bundling the PS Eye with the PS4, but only time will tell. And your #1 reason for getting the XBO is brand loyalty? [i]Really?[/i] [quote] have had enough humility to change their policies once the (misguided) masses started an outcry. Was it a step backwards for one of the greatest devices made so far? Yes, but it was necessary to calm the paranoid, self righteous, hypocritical, over entitled brats that make the loudest portion of the gaming culture today. [/quote] They weren't "misguided", they were people who actually wanted to [i]own[/i] their games. And 24 hour checkups are retarded. And no, it [i]wasn't[/i] a step backwards for it, rather, a step forward. And we weren't "paranoid," "hypocritical," or "over entitled." We just weren't idiots.

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            38 Replies
            • Edited by Pfhortnite: 11/10/2013 4:46:28 PM
              [quote]1080p[/quote] [quote]60fps[/quote] [quote]COD: Ghosts[/quote] [quote]Battlefield 4[/quote] [quote]PS4[/quote] [quote]Xbox One[/quote] [quote]PC[/quote] This thread just about sums up the whole Gaming forum.

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            • Ironic how the [i]dark[/i] time on here were actually the good times. Not as much crazy fanboy talk. Just play what you want and don't tell other people how to spend there money on their preferences.

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              5 Replies
              • >Reading your list of reasons you're getting an Xbone

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                • I'm not trying to bag on you OP, but brand loyalty is foolish. Indeed, I'm grabbing an Xbox one also, but more because it fits my current needs than because I had a 360 last gen. If it was just me, and not my fiancé and I, my money would have gone to Sony at launch. Products should be evaluated on your own personal needs, not loyalty to some corporation. You are money to them, period. Also, respect should be shown to competition. If one console dominated the other, we would have the hardware equivalent of CoD coming out every console gen. They wouldn't even attempt to innovate.

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                  2 Replies
                  • [quote]Loyalty[/quote]Brand loyalty is the stupidest thing you could admit to as a consumer because it's literally saying, "I don't care about the product just the name on it." [quote]Innovation - Let's face it, the Xbox One is doing more to [b]advance[/b] consoles than the PS4.[/quote]The word you're looking for is "change". [quote]Honesty[/quote]That has nothing to do with the product itself. That's brand power again. Come on people, you can't seriously think this way.

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                    1 Reply
                    • >playing CoD >Playing FPS games on consoles >Playing games on consoles

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                      8 Replies
                      • Agreed. Hell my favourite game is Quake 1 and I wanna play Mario 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time :/ I can't run 1080p on my TV anyway so I honestly don't care :p The graphics look really, really good either way...

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                      • Leaving you to your own opinions, did you know that mobile games (i.e. games played on a phone or tablet) are capable of console-like performances (albiet outdated consoles such as the N64 and PS1), but developers don't make games of that quality? Instead, they remake Bejeweled and call it something new, or have you run in a line and jump a bit. That's what disappoints me about gamers. We should be demanding quality games on mobile devices, instead of being locked to home consoles, PCs, and handhelds. Great games can be made with less than 30 MB of memory, so why aren't they? [spoiler]Yes, there are emulators, that are free, which can simulate a lot of old consoles very well.[/spoiler]

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                      • Im disappointed in colorful closet door. Theyre like a false promise of an exciting room.

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                      • Edited by Ttasmmv: 11/10/2013 2:48:28 PM
                        I'm disappointed in 'gamers' too, because they're ignorant and complacent. They play first-person shooters with thumbsticks, at 30/60 frames per second, on high-latency television sets designed for [u]viewing[/u] images, not interacting with them, and they attempt to network with people at vast distances expecting good results! Out of all the possible ways to play a first-person shooter, this is the worst, but it's the most common, and the most popular! I guess they don't realise how bad it is, because they've never experienced anything better. I suppose I'm disappointed with developers the most for abusing and propagating this ignorance. Whichever console you buy, you'll still be playing at inadequate frame-rates, on an unnecessary high-latency setup, and trying (and failing) to network America with Australia in real-time scenarios. The worst part is, you won't even notice. Video-games could've been something great, but they've turned into trash entertainment for the ignorant. Some developers are still interested in making great [u]games[/u], but not enough to make a noticeable splash in this acrid sea.

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                        24 Replies
                        • Edited by Orion: 11/9/2013 8:36:53 PM
                          If it was your way OP, we wouldn't even be getting next gen consoles. Graphics is the key distinction between current and next gen. There is nothing else they can do, until Nintendo innovates, so Xbox and PS can imitate.

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                          8 Replies
                          • You're right op, graphics don't make a game. That said, did Microsoft have no choice in pushing for better graphics even if it meant loss of quality? I.e. Halo 4 and it's insane weapon deload times

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                            5 Replies
                            • I doubt most people who talk about PPI or FPS or any of the specs even know what it means half the time.

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                            • [quote]Gamers[/quote] Gamers are retarded because they want to spend their whole life playing video games.

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                            • Edited by EvilTaffyapple: 11/9/2013 12:44:04 PM
                              This is the most ignorant post I've read in ages. And to top it off, you list the number reason you are getting an Xbox One is brand loyalty. You brand loyalty fukkers are literally the cancer killing gaming.

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                              7 Replies
                              • Edited by Regicide: 11/10/2013 7:10:18 AM
                                Amen OP, I'd take 60 player-battles on BF4 over a 1080p resolution in a heartbeat, nevertheless, the differentials between 900p and 1080p will be so miniscule, you'll never even be able to notice a difference. And, as always, 60FPS is also an obvious plus, although I'd be satisfied with 30 as-long as I'm still getting a great gameplay experience.

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                              • [quote]with more frames than a dirty cop[/quote] I lol'd.

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                                • Edited by Flee: 11/9/2013 11:13:08 AM
                                  [quote]Let's face it, CoD is going to suck no matter how many pixels you shove into it. Why? It is a bad game.[/quote] [quote]Same argument is brewing for Battlefield 4. Doesn't matter either way, it will still be a great game.[/quote]More so than the constant complaining about graphics it's these people who make me lose faith in gamers. This constant need to talk down to others and be condescending about how your games / platforms are so superior to theirs. Is it so hard to just show some maturity and 'live and let live'?

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