I'll freely admit, I didn't know. I would have thought that the would be an attractive destination for those who are poor, suffering, persecuted or looking for a better life. After all, they are a prosperous nation that is the largest example of Euro-rooted, western civilization in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, a place where people would likely be eager to go to for an opportunity at a better life.
But I also imagined (and am surprised to learn) that by being a continent of their own and not having any shared land-borders with less-privileged nations, that they would have immigration issues and problems that were similar to the US (who does have a shared and lengthy land border with a less prosperous nation).
So I was surprised to read this article and learn about the issue in Australia.
[url=http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/20/world/asia/nauru-australia-riot/index.html?hpt=hp_t2]Riot on a tiny island highlights Australia shutting a door on asylum[/url]
TBH, I was a bit surprised. I would have imagined that Australian's (as a whole) would have a more "open-arms" policy than the US (whose immigration issues and practices are frequently criticized).
Does this surprise anyone else? I confess, I am blissfully ignorant of internal politics of other nations, but when I find news that makes me consider and learn something new, I am interested in knowing more.
tl;dr australians are racist as hell