Genuine question: What is wrong without homosexuality?
It [i]is[/i] common in the Animal Kingdom (and, by extension, is common in Human society), so I don't understand what the big deal is?
Sure, you can't reproduce without two people of opposite gender, but there are many other ways to have children.
I see no reason why homosexuals shouldn't be more accepted in society.
PS: I think everyone is a little gay on the inside. Come on. [i]Everyone[/i] has that one person they'd go gay for.
[spoiler]Keep religion out, please. :)[/spoiler]
Everything, apparently.
I don't know what to say to this
Because it's gay. Duh.
If you don't see anything wrong with staring at a poster of John Stamos while boinking your gf in the pooperz then I guess it's ohey... kek!
Becuz penarz belon in womyn butts not man butts #whatwouldjesusdo
Logic can't dictate the opinions of religious conservatives.
Absolutely nothing. Its just arse holes bullying a minority.
Religion has it's influence with the matter. Some people see it being strange regardless of a religious background. To me, it's completely fine. If there is a couple of the same sex, and they're happy, then I'm happy for them.
[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]Homosexuals are [i]gay[/i].[/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]
Because its gay, duh.
Everything, you filthy wretches.
Absolutely nothing's wrong with it.
because evil satin xxx 666 devil purgatory with the lucyfur
Nothing. It's a predisposition.
What's wrong with it? Nothing.
Nothing is wrong with it.