TL;dr ^
Never saw any mention of this going into implementation. At the risk of revealing the super secretness, I'm going to actually [i]talk[/i] -yes, talk- about this feature... Feel free to correct me if I simply missed some update or edit this post if the blistering truth revealed is too extreme for the general population.
It seems to be quietly wreaking havoc across the site, although the nature of the havoc isn't exactly non-serendipitous, uh...
Why are we auto-following friends from linked gaming accounts now? WHY WASN'T I INFORMED OF THIS RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN WORLD AFFAIRS (IT VIOLATES MY PRIVACY [JUST KIDDING])!?
And how will Bungie right this transgression and fix this whole world shattering element so that people can go back to being assholes in complete anonymity?
Did they really? Oh wow I haven't been on this site much in the past 2 months.