i think its good that ps4 gets the beta b4 xbone because xbone had halo and play station didnt. its the fair thing to do and i think the xbone users should shut up about it. for all of those xboners who are mad i am going to be laughing at you when i play destiny before u lol. :)
there ya go bud
Edited by SimplyB: 10/9/2014 7:44:40 PMOh never mind this post is old as shit. Who bumped this turd.
Go back to 4chan
Lol I'll laugh too cause Xbox sucks
The console wars are dead. Quit trying to resurrect them by bringing in more Xbox fanboys.
Don't forget PS3 [spoiler][b]I AM A GOD[/b][/spoiler]
You're an idiot for one, and for two, I see why Bungie would give Sony the beta first. Reason 1: They've never made a game for a Sony console, so.many are anxious, and skeptical about it, therefore they've got to ptive they can make a good, functional game on any console. Reason 2: Again, Bungies entire demographic has been Xbox players, so they need to make their new fanbase feel as welcomed as possible, and make it clear they are unbiased. Reason 3: This is the perfect opportunity to see how the game will run on PS serverz, seeing that they've always used XBL servers. All that in mind, it's a pretty logical choice. I own an xbox 360 and xbox one, both of which I'm happy with, and I do plan on getting a ps4 and 3 sometime later on. I'm a fan of both consoles personally. Point is, this whole thread is irrelevant.
Edited by CiRCUiT: 6/7/2014 8:17:36 PMActivision+bungie= a 10 year contract for destiny. They also made a partnership with sony and microsoolf did not. We all knew in advance this was happening so if u bought a xbox one and or are complaining then please stop you are being an idiot. Destiny is one of the biggest reasons I bought a ps4 and I had a 360 so I'm not no fanboy. If u wanted destiny exclusives and beta and shit you should of bought a ps4 that's why I did.
It would have been fairer if BOTH consoles got the BETA at the same time and those that pre-ordered (on whatever console they have) up till say E3 got in the BETA a few weeks early.
H8rz g0n h8. Grdian$ g0n gu4rd Pilots g0n starside
Definitely made my choice about which console I want more easy
Since you guys get the beta first, there might be more glitches and such things. Since Xbox gets it later, the demo might be a but more polished.
Edited by GentleLion: 5/13/2014 10:02:16 PM[quote]i think its good that ps4 gets the beta b4 xbone because xbone had halo and play station didnt. its the fair thing to do and i think the xbone users should shut up about it. for all of those xboners who are mad i am going to be laughing at you when i play destiny before u lol. :)[/quote] Dude even tho I'm in the PS4 your still a major dick for this post everyone knows whose getting the beta first but it doesn't mean you have to rub it in there face, asshole.
it is best PS4 gets stuff first the 7 miliion+ ppl that bought the Gaming system from Sony are very happy( i am with my ps4, ps3, ps2 and so on )but M$ money ppl only sold just about 5 million Failboxs that are not Gaming Consoles but money pits that turned the X1 into a Home Entertainment spy on you at home threw the Kenitec NSA app Money Wall Not built for gaming console. FACT! and now M$ is paying for their Greed against Gamers!!!!!!!!! Dead Orbit is the Best Orbit !!!! Enhance your calm, John Spartan.
It's cOLD in here. Seriously, new threads would go a long way fellas.
all consoles should have had it same day
I have an Xbox One but I don't care about the early access. It only fair that Sony gets some love. But it's sorta annoying but I'm not going around the forums sayi saying it's stupid.
I'm very happy for the PS community. It's good for them to get some love, and it's good for everyone if bungie doubles their sales by including the playstation(s) in this title. To all of the haters: you don't get to keep your beta progress, so who cares if the ps gets the beta first? Come September 9th, it won't matter one bit.
But won't you run out of play time before us?
Its awesome. And I'm an Xbox gamer saying that.
We did get halo and it was amazing but I believe we should only have a few day delay at the most and at the least at about the same time maybe a few hours later.
I'm an xboner !!!!!!!!!! I don't care either way? I'll be watching videos online I ps4 playing it
Get away buffoon, nobody likes your kind here. TAKE HIM TO THE PIT!!