... sounds like just about every other launch ever in the history of launched products. It happens with phones, it happens with cars, it happens with computers. It happens with coffee machines, it happens with radios, it happens with bicycles. Every product launch has its faults. The PS4 launch is no different. People complain that Sony have made a botched product or not done enough to prevent this in the first place, but honestly? Some of these issues wouldn't have even been considered because most likely, they weren't present at the time of shipping to stock warehouses.
By the way, calling that the Xbox One will have issues at launch too. It's so likely that I guarantee it. And this is coming from someone super stoked about the Xbox One and having had one on order since the second I had the chance. I just hope that my unit isn't one of those affected by sub-standard storage conditions and the likelihood that some were damaged in transit.
So let's all chill out for now. Give it a week or two and pay attention to updates from Sony in regards to these issues. And let's try not to have a repeat when the Xbox One comes out.
Dropship out.