I'm not sure of the statistics, but apparently, the PS4 has a small chance of not working.
Microsoft fans, I would stay quiet if I were you. Are you so quick to forget the Xbox 360's launch? Or that your console ships next week? What happens if the One breaks even [i]more[/i] than the PS4? I bet you all will feel pretty stupid. You'll either:
1: Blame Microsoft. This will make you look even [i]more[/i] retarded, because you just spent the last week saying "lolPS4 sucks, peasant. You should've bought the superior console, Xbox One" to every Sony fan you came across.
2: After the week of ridicule you gave the Sony fans, you'll claim that you "never once ridiculed the PS4 for breaking."
Let's be honest: both consoles are pretty shit. Same as last gen.
Both are going to have decent and shit launch games. Same as last gen.
You really aren't justified to make fun of the Sony users, lmao.
And Sony users, after riding the PS4 hype train, claiming it was the superior console while Microsoft got their sh1t together after E3, I'd be willing to wager that you all feel pretty ridiculous right now. Isn't it curious how the "Omg, PS4 is the best, ever!" threads have disappeared?
That's pretty much it, really. Excuse my unorganized rambling, I'm really tired. I watched Man of Steel last night at like, 4 in the morning.
PS: Stop crying about the Destiny Beta coming to PS4/3 earlier. It probably won't be that long of a wait, and it's not like Bungie has the power to change it. All of those decisions come from the publisher, Activision.
If you want early access to the Beta, buy a PS3. They're pretty cheap, now that Next-gen is here.
lolnextgen MUH OUYA MASTER RACE! [spoiler]But seriously, I agree.[/spoiler]
This is precisely why I don't ever buy a console at launch. It doesn't matter what one you end up getting, they all have a chance of not working. Besides, neither has any games at the minute, let alone any decent games.
I don't think the trolls will understand what you said. It's way too logical.
i hope you know that... [spoiler]...i didn't read one word of that shit. *Dances*[/spoiler]
People still actually care about next-gen? Poor fools...
Actually, the PS4 has exceeded all of my expectations. Killzone is awesome, Injustice is awesome, love the controller. I'm really happy with all of it.
This thread is childish. How about you grow the -blam!- up and leave this whole console war shit alone?
Edited by Astraeos: 11/17/2013 3:51:24 PMPS4 has problems: "oh it will get fixed soon!" Xbox One has problems: "Lol, xbox sucks!!!" EDIT: dat Red line of Death
I agree the PS4 fail rate's only 0.6% stop bitching
Just like how the PS fans where soon to forget about the PS2 not working? May not have been as bad as the Xbox, but it was still a massive failure for a console. This goes both ways. That being said, with what has happened in the past with all the consoles. I don't think either will fail.
let's be honest here, the Wii u is the superior system
Edited by UphillMercury: 11/17/2013 4:52:51 AMI'm not commenting at all on the PS4's current quality, as I vividly remember the issues that the Xbox 360 and PS3 (to a lesser extent) faced. That is why I'm waiting several months before I purchase a new console, so that all of the major hardware issues will be sorted out. In terms of Sony consoles getting earlier beta access, I can see why a large portion of the community feels cheated, as the site was nearly exclusively Xbox users until very recently. These were people who have been playing Bungie's games since Halo, Myth, and even Marathon, and get treated ( in their opinion) unfairly as a result of the influx of Playstation users. While I can sympathize, I can certainly see why this is being done. Bungie is trying to capture and retain as large an audience as possible, and has for, the first time in years, captivated Playstation gamers.
[spoiler]I actually did read and i agree with a lot of the things you said. But im not surprised they are acting like this seeing how much people shitted on the 360 launch.[/spoiler]
XBoxTwo > PS5
I completely agree with all of this. Honestly I'm more concerned that my XB1 might be broken when it comes like some of the PS4's were. I feel bad for any Playstation fans that had a DOA arrival console and hope for the best for you all in getting it fixed.
Plot twist: XBone doesn't break down.
I remember the 360 launch... I bought my Xbox 360, took it home and played it... still going strong today, guess I was lucky.
Hip hip hurray for one smart person on the forums!
[quote]let's not be childish[/quote] that would completely disqualify my existence
Couldn't agree more.