At about 6 pm I was riding my bike home in the evening with my earbuds in and my hood on. I was clear on my left and I looked to my right and thought I was clear but I didn't look far enough and my hood restricted my view (The road was curved and i was at the end of the curve, the curve went to my right) So I got hit by an Audi A4 doing about 60 from my right side. It happened so fast when I got hit I blacked out until I got up which was almost instant to when I landed. I flew off my bike from the road about 4 feet onto the sidewalk. Very luckily so I managed to land on my side and didn't hit my head, my left elbow and leg hurts but that's about it. My bones seem to be fine.
After I got hit 3 cars stopped and a few people riding their bikes came to help. A lady hit me and the passenger was a nice man who checked my leg and made sure I was okay. He said he didn't see me at all so he was quite worried himself but I told him it was my fault and I didn't want any charges pressed or the law involved. And he was quite okay with that because he would of ended up getting -blam!-ed either way, once he was assured I was okay.
Then since the back tire of my bike was -blam!-ed a man in a truck who stopped offered to put my bike in the back of the truck and give me a ride home, really nice guy.
All in all I'm very lucky, I easily could of hit my head, I also landed right near a pole that I could of hit my head off of. This was my first near death experience and it wasn't very fun. I'm still pretty mind -blam!-ed from it. But for a first time getting hit by a car experience I was lucky it involved kindly nice people here in good old Canada. But I definitely learned to be more careful and I definitely won't be riding my bike with my earbuds in again.
That driver should of finished the job.