I loved one flag in H3 Last Resort; many fun nights were had playing customs 2 v 2 on the same console. Fat Kid on that forged map in foundry would have to come a close second though ... I can remember frantically tossing grenades to the ground trying to get a needler on the next spawn before fatty got too close...
Halo 4 doesn't seem to have the same depth of custom games as H3; whether it's because of the nerfed forge or lower population I can't tell...
Avalanche with either Assault, 1flag, CTF, or neutral bomb. Though I'd say Containment, Valhalla, and Blood Gulch all tie for the same place, and with the same game types. [spoiler]All of a sudden Tower of Power on Ascension comes back to my mind....[/spoiler]
competitive: prisoner ctf "omg teh pit was teh best maps evoorrzzz remaek it 209482039482 times plzzzz" meanwhile prisoner and its 13 axes of symmetry are laughing their collectively balanced a$$es off fun: blood gulch/sidewinder/headlong ctf i mean fck the map design is just 2perfect
Oh dang....um... Firefight on Lost Platoon
Sidewinder CTF Snipers + Pistols No Shields There is a server on Custom Edition that only plays this and it is glorious...
Assault on Headlong ALL DAY ERRY DAY BABY
Banshee Game on Crash n Smash. Of course, I might be biased since I made it.
Any kind of infection customs in Halo 3 was pretty fun. Can't remember the name of it, but the one where everyone has active camo, snipers only was pretty intense.
Fat Kid on any custom Foundry, Sandbox, or Forge World map.
Either Sword Base-SWAT or Hemorrhage (Blood Gulch)-CTF or Spire-Invasion Hmm......
Exile any game type besides territories lol that was bad
I loved spire from reach. And invasion was my favourite mode.
Fat Kid was a godawful waste of lonely Saturday nights. Headhunter, now there was an awesome gametype from Reach. Invasion was a lot of fun too. Fiesta is also awesome, obviously, but Slayer is probably the best of the best. Favourite maps? Oh man... Valhalla, Sandtrap, Guardian, The Pit, Powerhouse, (default) Sandbox, The Cage, Haven, Solace, Ragnarok (obvz).
Halo 4's Infection and Halo Reach's Forge World.
Any Infection game on Sandbox.
Shwat Guns, 1 flag on the bottom level of the forge map in Mythic Map Pack 1. Anything in the Action Sack really.
Edited by Xmark120: 11/19/2013 11:52:26 AM1v1 Slayer Pro on Asylum ( Reach ).
Tower of Power on Ascension, it saddens me that so few people here will remember this.
Invasion. Its like rush.