I'm just curious on who your favorite villain is...
It could be based on appearance, difficulty, whatever... Just post why you picked them..
Mine would either have to be GLaDOS or Saren Arterius...
GLaDOS is funny and a good villain.. As AI go I think she is the best...
Saren might take it for me... Acting on logic and believing he was right almost makes you question if you are right.. Also his endings were amazing... Overall I think Saren is an amazing character..
Protoman from mega man, because he 1.) goes on megaman's side, and 2.) because he has a scarf and riot shield XD
Darth Vader [spoiler]not Anakin Skywalker, he's dumb[/spoiler]
Saren was the first person to come into my head as well but I think I might root for the joker in arkham asylum and city. Mark hammil gives me the chills.
Edited by Yggdrasil: 11/20/2013 6:51:35 PMSenator Armstrong dat theme
Edited by princekygo: 3/12/2014 2:22:05 AMThe illusive man. He is one tenacious bastard Or maybe Darth Phobos
Edited by Ossku: 11/21/2013 11:06:19 AMKuja. ''Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget its painful past... Though we hope for promising years. After shedding a thousand tears, yesterday's sorrow constantly nears. And while the moon still shines blue, by dawn, it will turn to scarlet hue.'' ''Spare me the lecture. Lives come and go all the time. What's the big deal?'' A classic villain. Unmatched by todays games.
Metal Gear has so many great villains... Uh, Ocelot? No, The Boss. No, that's not it either. Solidus? I can't decide.
ENDER DRAGON! -Joking aside, it would be a tie between GLaDOS (how can I say no to my mother?), Gravemind, and Didact. Close seconds are Wheatley, Guilty Spark, and Al Mualim. Least favorites go to Wallace Breen, Haytham Kenway, Charles Lee, and Truth. I didn't feel any depth to the first three, and Truth's mind was so distorted, he believed his own lies.
[quote]Saren[/quote] I think Saren (like all ME villains) is shit. Not Kai Leng levels of shit, but shit nonetheless.
David in The Last of Us. Somehow naughty dog managed to make a cannibalistic pedophile likable and for that I love them.
Darth Sion He may not have been the primary villain, but he was one of those that made me say NOPE! I don't have any others that really stand out.
Gravemind. I don't know why, but his words held a lot of meaning for me.
inb4anyonesaysDidact Definitely Saren.
The Illusive Man, followed by Saren Arterius.
The Joker in Arkham games. Didact especially if you read the books. Retroactively the Gravemind if you read the books.
Vass and Hoyt
Edited by NiteInShinyFoil: 11/20/2013 3:01:49 PMVaas girahim ganondorf handsome jack and didact
Edited by Oyik: 11/20/2013 2:42:31 PMKalameet Now days most good villains don't get a boss fight (or at least a good one), it's all cut scenes and quick time events (I'm looking at you 343i). Kalameet, while he has no dialogue he does have an interesting background and offers one hell of a tough boss fight (it is Dark Souls after all). A close second would be Saren, while I'm not a huge fan of Mass Effect or even Bioware, I do like Saren. He ticks the boxes that make a video game villain great.
Edited by A Cheese Potato: 11/20/2013 2:33:29 PMI'm just gonna be lazy and say the Knights Templar from Assassin's Creed. I just like the whole secret, controlling organisation that takes the easier, harsher route to world domiation.
Either Liquid Snake or Big Boss
Liquid Snake
Edited by Lord of Admirals: 11/20/2013 1:02:24 AMUr-Didact [i]"Come then, warrior. Have your resolution..."[/i]