I loved one flag in H3 Last Resort; many fun nights were had playing customs 2 v 2 on the same console. Fat Kid on that forged map in foundry would have to come a close second though ... I can remember frantically tossing grenades to the ground trying to get a needler on the next spawn before fatty got too close...
Halo 4 doesn't seem to have the same depth of custom games as H3; whether it's because of the nerfed forge or lower population I can't tell...
competitive: prisoner ctf "omg teh pit was teh best maps evoorrzzz remaek it 209482039482 times plzzzz" meanwhile prisoner and its 13 axes of symmetry are laughing their collectively balanced a$$es off fun: blood gulch/sidewinder/headlong ctf i mean fck the map design is just 2perfect