Just a little psychological quandary. Right now on Waypoint I'm discussing the Elites and how they should be viewed within the context of the Halo Universe with other people. One guy advocates killing them all, I argue for diplomacy and a possible alliance. Yet, something odd about his way of thinking bothers me. When I told him that there were Elites who respected humans and some even began to sympathize with their situation, he wrote it off as shitty writing and that it made literally no sense that any Elite could possibly have doubts about what they are doing.
Later on, he justified his mindset by defending and even seemingly encouraging the mass murder of civilians in Germany and Japan in WWII to "teach them a lesson" and make them know we will go to extremes to stop them. Nevermind this is war crime and crimes against humanity level stuff. Ironically, he concluded that killing female and children Elites was fine because they were just future warrior creators and didn't matter if they died. Kinda reminds me of the logic people advocating the genocide or removal of a certain group of people use to justify their beliefs.
To me, its a bit scary even though we are arguing about fictional aliens, but to go that far to defend views about fictional aliens surprises me.
So what do you guys think, are the views that people share online when cloaked by anonymity really reflect their true thought process?
The anonymous side of the internet (that is, not using your real life identity) has very little social constraints, so people don't hold themselves to ANY standards; case in point, you can find elegant discussions about pornography (and we're not strictly talking vanilla here...) on the internet, but you can also find console wars.