Vent all your frustration and problems here. No problem to small, just what you got.
If your gonna call out another user, keep the resulting shitstorm to a minimum.
-blam!- my roommate hogging the tv, -blam!- bronies clustering youtube with -blam!-ing mlp sfms, -blam!- Delphox rule 34 (I luv delphox dammit), -blam!- Criminology, -blam!- low gas mileage, -blam!- today, -blam!- yesterday, -blam!- my Pre-calculus teacher, -blam!- furries, -blam!- youtube not loading videos anymore on google chrome for me, -blam!- lukeanatr with a tire iron, -blam!- body odor, -blam!- itunes, -blam!- itunes support, -blam!- low batteries, and -blam!- you San Diego.