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If this is trolling, this is top fucking tier.
Well old Diamond Eyes, I guess this is goodbye.
Why is this important?
Shit-tier members like other shit-tier members, so don't beat yourself up too much that you're not loved or acknowledged by all.
OP, take a seat for a second. I've been noticing you post on your alt account about this stuff for what feels like probably the past few days, so I'll just assume this is at least semi-serious for a few minutes of my time. It honestly seems like what you want to enjoy about this place is the followers that come with it. However something you fail to notice is that even the people with plenty of these followers fail to give a damn. When a person with 300+ followers makes a comment in a random thread on #gaming, they're not likely to get 300+ replies. Following hardly means jack shit, so I'm a bit confused as to why you'd care so much. People will hold discussions around your post if they hold quality, not because you have more than 75 followers. No, I don't recall attributing these things to "that guy", I attributed them to "Viltre"(Occasionally, that guy with "Vil-something", admittedly). I also made sure to leave my thanks in whichever thread it was that you posted the content in. I do not go around parading the status of those that I follow in other threads, and I'd hope most people do something similar. It doesn't make sense for me to leave my thanks in every thread on the front page. I'm sorry that I honestly don't give a damn about your archive of hilarity, I don't recall ever looking at it in the first place. However some things go unnoticed, and they do so for a reason. Try and deduce what the reason is, and learn from it if that is your desire. Though I must admit, I agree with some of the other people here. If you're doing it for followers, you're doing it wrong. Gaining recognition among this crowd is not something worth noting in the real world, nor should it necessarily be a goal. I've gone through the thread and read many of the replies, and I hope you do the same. Most of it is pretty good material to look through. OP, I'm sure that I am not the only one who would appreciate it if you would at least stay and continue contributing to the forums here. However it should certainly have to go without saying that it'd be better if you didn't do so by making threads like this. Well, I've rambled on a bit and just kinda ran with a single train of thought. So some of this might reflect that as appearing to be just rambling. Regardless, if you're serious I hope you at least go through this thread and read the replies given. Who knows though. This could just be an elaborate ruse to gain popularity by posting what most would consider to be a ridiculous demand.
You were expecting to get something for your contributions? How's this: Thank you. For me, contributing to this community was something that I just wanted to do. I didn't do it for gain; I did do it so others could be helped. Sorry to see how this has turned out. You were respected by many for your contributions. I thought that would have been enough.
>whine about attentionwhores >"300 followers or I throw a tantrum!" Oh the ironing.
Edited by BannedLemön: 3/31/2014 8:40:43 AMOh man, this thread. This needs to be archived in the section of Encyclopaedia Dramatica.
There are so many ways to go about this and you've chosen the worst. [quote]So, here's the ultimatum, 300 followers by the end of the year or I remove every contribution that I can from this community. The dark theme, the enhanced light theme, the archive of hilarity, I will delete it all. You want people to contribute here, you'll need to show that you appreciate those that take their time out of their schedule to do so.[/quote] Don't let the door hit you on the way out
Yea nah man up and stop being a little girl cos you're not famous.
Are you like, 5?
You don't have the moxie.
Time to go fgt
You didn't even delete anything. Talk about empty threats. How embarrassing.
Who the f**k did he even get 109 followers. This is sad. Isn't the dark theme in the Bungie settings page?
Edited by RurouniDante: 11/25/2013 6:48:51 PMSo, in the course of 12 hours, Omega stole all of your shit, recoded to his liking, Ninja backed up the Archive, and everybody hates you now. And how many followers did you gain? 2? And 3/4 of the community uninstalled your shit. How does it feel to go full blown retard in public, kid?
Edited by Decimator Omega: 1/21/2014 10:20:36 PM
Started a new topic: This thread is dead.(59 Replies))
[quote]WWII Russia[/quote] I'm not sure if this is aimed at me.
Shit just got real
Edited by Hamoudie: 1/2/2014 4:13:31 PMI have lost all respect for you. Truth is nobody noticed you because you hardly posted anything. Trust me the average attention span of the kids on this forum is like 3 seconds so if you aren't a frequent poster nobody will notice you.
After that other guy that first made Coup, I think his name started with a C or something... Iggyhopper ran, updated, and developed new versions of the script for years. All we ever did then was yell at him to fix things faster (or remove background images), and all we do now is yell at him to make coup 6 finally work with the new site. You should be happy that nobody cares about you.
[i]The Flood does not negotiate with terrorists.[/i]
Woah people actually followed this guy?